

45th UbeKeso Day

As a child you learn of a soul mate,a person made perfectly for you, your two souls become connected as one and are destined to be together until the end of time. Through adolescence you grasp on to this idea of a soul mate, believing you will someday find the one. But after much heartache and many rivers of tears, this notion you’ve held onto for years begins to fade. As time goes by, day by day, year after year, you move forward, accepting of your failures and proud of your successes…until that day. This is a day like any other, it begins no differently than yesterday and the days before, but it is a day that will change you forever, a day that the magic and fantasy of a soul mate becomes real. For each of us it happens differently…the holding of eye contact, an introduction, a smile.  Regardless of how it began, the moment is unforgettable. It was a magical moment, frozen in time, the surroundings, the smells, the feeling you felt. The rush of warmth through your body felt exhilarating and new, yet somehow familiar.  It was a feeling you imagined time and again…but never this powerful. As butterflies fluttered in your stomach it was an explosion of emotions.  Who is this person that can make me feel this way? As this invisible force draws you to this person you can sense a mutual feeling.  A connection unlike any other you’ve experienced before, impossible to resist. You feel a burning, a fire from deep inside, that you can’t ignore.  From that first second of encounter this person is there with you, in every thought and action…causing you to smile, laugh, and feel more alive than ever before. This person becomes a part of you, your other half…your soul mate. And as you learned as a child, this person was made perfectly for you, your two souls are connected as one and are destined to be together until the end of time.

HAPPY 45th UbeKeso Day to us! 



I've been meaning to spare some time for my blog but I haven't been able to give it any attention for quite some time now. It's been a while since I've written a post~oh gosh! I know, I know, I promised. But it's not because I'm bad at keeping promises and not even because I don't have enough time~It's simply because I'm as lazy as smurf *make face*. Ok, guilty as charged! Four fvck'n months, hows that?! Alright~alright, for the 10b times I'm gonna say this... Time to get that blogging drive back on track!

And with that being said, I think its the perfect time to start. I'd been wanting to blog bout this for a couple of weeks now and finally~finally *hurrah to me!* here I go!

Exactly a couple of weeks ago the boyfriend's ultimate dream came true~yey! He got his very first trophy from playing what he love most~TEKKEN! I know you guys already know how much the boyfriend has been so  engrossed with his tekken right?! Well, can't do anything bout that~I don't have any choice but to be the best supporting girlfriend that I am~lols. Anyhoo, let me just continue, so as I was saying the boyfriend joined another tourney last August 31 and fortunately after 45 years of waiting he got his first taste of victory~hohoho! He won 1st place and he claimed his first-ever~most valuable MEMENTO,  his TEKKEN TROPHY!

But then, since my brain is quite still in a coma mode, that I couldn't think of words that will best describe what I wanna say~I'll just let the photos do the talking instead.


Held at G4, Cinema Lobby.

The most coveted prize.

The crowd.

The giant pizza and the hungry tekkenistas!

Top 20 Elimination. 

Hapon vs Graham
Top 10 Elimination

Hapon vs. Maru
Top 5 Elimination

Abigan vs. Muzicat

Andreij vs. Ak
The FINAL BATTLE: Top 3 (Round robin)

Hapon vs Abigan
Abigan vs. Ak
Hapon vs. Ak
The strained crowd.

Look how we buoyed you up Hapon?! See that?! 



Raphael Vincent Casero 
Roneil Sison 
Graham Prats 
Christopher Bautista 
Andreij Hosea Albar 
Jimmy James Garcia 
JJ Borromeo Leonano 
Daniel Chua 
Carlo Racela
Ryan Cocharo 
Maru Sy 
Daniel De Leon 
Biencarlo Caro 
David Martin Gonzales 
Johnasis S. Kalugdan 
Jomar Manzano Valle
Paolo Luis Dizon


The Grand Champion Alexandre Laverez  aka AK

Didn't I mention that the grand winner of this tourney will be our country's representative for the GLOBAL CHAMPIONSHIP happening in SOUTH KOREA this October?! Oh yes! And this cute~ lil boy here will gonna rock them *KOREA brace yourself!*. Congratulations Lil kiddo! Make our country proud. I know you can do it, I believe in you *proud pinoy*. You are a fighter, you're a CHAMPION and they gonna hear you ROAR! Bring home the bacon! Break a leg!

2nd Placer  Paul Abigan Kudos! You gave them a tough fight. I was so amazed! 

and the last but not the least the BEST BOYFRIEND and THE BEST-EST OF THEM ALL *atleast for me* MY FOREVER CHAMPION 

drum roll!

1st Placer  Michael John aka HAPON Magbanua

I'm the proudest and the happiest girlfriend in the universe!

It was a neck to neck battle for all of the participants *hats off y'all*. The final round was really a dead heat swear! If only you saw how much I got myself up on the game~I was literally screaming my lungs out! Watching the boyfriend's every game was really heart pounding. I almost died~haha. But seriously I had a great time. Till the next battle! 

CREDITS: All photos from TimezonPhilippines