

Maxx' Nutrition Month Parade

Can you just imagine how time flies real  fast? So freakin' fast. Three years ago I was just cuddling and nanny-ing my baby Maxx but look how big she is now? She's already tall and smart. She's only three but she already talks like a grown up. She's already in school and just yesterday she had her first ever activity as a student. Yey! I couldn't be more proud and happy for her.

Here are the photos I took during her Nutrition month parade last Wednesday. Check out!

I had to make a costume out of Sineguelas (spanish plum) but since it's not in season, I just designed a mini ball gown using printed sineguelas.

Maxx in Myrtle Requiron (lols)

 Look how pretty my baby is? She's so charming and cute~isn't she? 

Here I was preppin' my baby love before the parade starts. Isn't she the sweetest?

Maxx with Papa.

Maxx with Mama.

With her classmate.

 And so the parade started. The was raining but Thank God it stopped for awhile, enough for the kids to parade their beautiful costumes.

My baby Saav was there too~ to support her Ate Maxx. They held hands all through out the parade. Sisterly love <3

They had a short program as well.

Opening prayer.

Aren't they cute? I love kids!

Selfie while waiting for the program to finish. :)

Maxx and Saav! 

My baby love really had a good time. And she can't wait for her next school activity! United Nation come faster! Till next time guys, hope you like my baby love's photos as much as I love her :)


My Love From The Stars: Fave Lines and Scenes

Have you ever wonder what's life like when your days have been numbered and your times running out and coming up so fast? Like what you realize when you finally understand that your stay in this world is not infinite?

Probably you'll realize that time is real and you'll recognize how you've been neglecting it. You'll suddenly have that deep realization that whether we live for a life time or not~life isn't long enough. And you'll wish that you could ask for more.

Have you ever thought of that? Haven't you? I hope so, but just in case you haven't~I suggest you watch My Love From The Star. It may have a light and comedic outer shell but it surely has an inner core that is poignant. Amazing how can a drama series taught us life lessons huh?! I couldn't agree more.

Okay, so here's the thing~ I finished watching the rewind of My Love From The Star last weekend on GMA. Though I've already done watching it a couple of months ago~I still tried my best to get up extra early every weekend so I could watch it again. I just love it and as what I've told you I can't get enough of their love story. It's one for the books! And as promised I'll post more about it and yes, here we go!

My Love From The Star or You Who Came from the Stars is a South Korean television series about an alien who landed on Earth in the Joseon Dynasty and, 400 years later, falls in love with a top actress in the modern era.

Main Characters:

Kim Soo-hyun as  (Do Min-Joon) 
a very cold and distant being, he loved a girl who lived during the Joseon Dynasty for liking him as his true self, an alien. After the girl dies saving him, he waits to return home. Living a lonely and isolated life for centuries, he one day meets Cheon Song-yi, a girl looking exactly like the one he loved 400 years ago.

Jun Ji-Hyun as (Cheon Song-Yi)
a top Hallyu star who is very blunt and believes that she is every man's type, until she meets her stoic neighbor, Do Min-joon. She soon develops feelings for him and tries to make him fall for her.

If you're following my blog religiously, I guess you already saw my first post about MLFTS a month ago. I just posted some of their scenes together. Now I'm gonna share more and more and more.

Here are my fave scenes and lines from the series. I love everything about it anyway. All of the scenes were able to capture my imagination and my heart. I hope yours too. Check this out!


Do Min Joon

Whether we live 80 years or 100 years, there's no person that would say life is long enough. Everyone says it feels as short as taking a nap.~Do Min Joon

All of you will sometimes wonder whether love will last forever. However, your love will not last forever. The expiration date of love follows the law of nature. And humans cannot escape the laws of universe.~Do Min Joon

If love is something sacred, then that's because it prospers and continues the race. It is nothing less or more than that. Therefore, do not allow the precious things or people in your life to suffer because of the brief illusions of love. ~Do Min Joon

Jealousy is one of the most childish and crude feelings that a person can feel. It's an emotion resulting from the fear that the affection from our partner may, instead, be bestowed upon someone other than one's own self.~Do Min Joon

'If you want to, and even if you don't, things are bound to happen.
Earthlings call it as FATE.'~Do Min Joon

Do you know why people fear death? Because they will be forgotten. It's because the world will not change after they are gone, and they eventually be forgotten. I was not afraid. Even if I left this world and went to a different world, even if no one remembered me, I did not care. But right now, I'm a little bit afraid. There is someone whom I don't want to be forgotten by. Right when I have to leave for another world. ~Do Min Joon

Although countless time has come and gone, the actual time I had left for myself wasn't very much. Now I know it all too well, that the length of time isn't important. What important is with whom you spend that time.~Do Min Joon

I have to leave soon. I can't take her with me or stay here. The only thing I can do is to disappear.
There is nothing I can do here. I can't eat with her, go for a walk, celebrate together, or anything else.
I want her to eat nice food, go for a walk, celebrate the good days, and live a good life without me. ~Do Min Joon

If I help you once, twice, thrice, continuously asking for help. That is the way people live. And, paying me back whenever, won't happen. Life isn't long enough for people to mature.~Do Min Joon
Just because we help them a bit, nothing is going to change for the good. In the end, things that are bound to happen will happen, bad things will become worse. ~Do Min Joon

Love can not defeat time. ~Do Min Joon

When you start to love someone, you start to have fears.~Do Min Joon

I've witnessed so much of a person being born, growing and aging, then died. So I thought that the end is death. But, yet, why did they try so hard? Except for the differing sequence of events, in the end, they were all people who would age, wrinkle and disappear. Why would they struggle and live so tenaciously, as if they're experiencing a war? An earthling's life, when observed from the sideline, is pathetic and futile.
But after thinking about dying, I've come to a realization. There is no one who lives for death. What important is living in that moment. Thus, even if the end has been determined, we can still be happy and can continue to live. It's simple. Yet, it took me a long time to realize it.~Do Min Joon

The greatest power that I possess is stopping time. I stopped time uncountably during times that you aren't even aware of. And I said this... I love you, Cheon Song Yi. Because if I told you while time was flowing by, I felt that everything would flow away and disappear. So I told you while time was stopped.
I love you, Cheon Song Yi... I love you.~Do Min Joon

Cheon Song Yi, my dear Cheon Song Yi. Don't wear clothes that show off your skin when it's cold. You're prettier when you cover up more. Like I said, no kiss scenes or back-hug scenes. No passionate melodramas. Don't get sick. And don't read haters comments. Don't sing and cry alone. Don't eat alone.
Don't get drunk and go into random houses. And don't look at the sky at night and wonder if it's this star or that star. You can't see it from here. But I'm going to see you from there. I will watch this place every day, where you live. And I will try to come back everyday. I will find a way to stay with you for a long time no matter what, I will do that. But if... if I... if I can't make it back... then forget everything. Everything.~Do Min Joon

Cheong Song Yi

Strangely, whenever I'm having a hard time, you are always next to me.
~Cheon Song Yi

But, why do I feel like you are lying to me right now?~Cheong Song Yi

To make myself look strong, I painted leopard prints on my nails, but my mind is not strong. I don't have confidence. I think I might get found out, the current me, that is. Not having money? It's fine. Money is something that comes and goes. One can always make more. But if I get my shabby-self found out, I feel like I might really break down. So, if it seem like I'm about to get caught,I'm asking my smart Do Min Joon to step up for me.~Cheon Song Yi

You didn't change your password. Don't change it. I keep forgetting mine, but I never forget yours.
It's weird.~Cheong Song Yi

I will give up. What's the point of having super powers? He always passes out after a kiss.
~Cheon Song Yi

Do you know what the worst kind of love triangle is? The triangle with the girl in the man's memory.
If she existed in real life, I could find out who she is. I could go fight her face-to-face. But if she locked away in your memory, how could I beat her?~Cheon Song Yi

When one sees someone who's in a better place than oneself, one doesn't think "I need to be in that place",
but rather one says "You should come down to the trenches I'm stuck in". I'm sorry, but I'm not going down there, into those trenches you live in, that hellish place where you live hating and being jealous of someone. I won't do it. So don't wave to me asking me to come down.~Cheon Song yi

Let me hold you for a second, I can't feel my feet. Let's say you were right. Let's say if you could hurt me whenever you wanted to, then why did you do it? Why did you save me so many times? You went along with everything I wanted to do, you listened to me. Why did you protect me? Why?~Cheon Song yi

If I could stop the time so we can stay together forever, I would even sell my soul. Because it's so hard for me to feel this way. I had once wished that I had never met you. But even if I could turn back the time, I would meet you again. We would have the same arguments again. You would have fallen in love with me again. I would love you again.~Cheon Song Yi

When life tests us, I wonder if it’s God giving us the chance to filter out the real from the fake.~Cheon Song Yi

I think I can live knowing you are alive somewhere. Instead of not being anywhere in the universe,
knowing you are alive somewhere is easier.~Cheon Song Yi

Is disappearing without a heads-up difficult to bear with? Of course it is. But it also makes me loves him more. Because every moment that we're together could be our last. And that makes every moment precious.~Cheon Song Yi

Just thinking about the days without him makes me so sad that I want to die.~Cheon Song Yi

Lee Hui Kyeong

I kind of like your life being difficult. I honestly like what happened to you. Because I can finally do something for you. There's room for me. I'm selfish, huh? But can't you call it love? I've been telling you about my feelings like a joke for 15 years. I joked about it because I was afraid you'd shut me out if I said it seriously. But can't you also called it love? You said it doesn't hurt your pride to cry in front of me.
You said you feel most comfortable with me because I've seen all sides of you. Can't you call that our love? Just call it love and come to me. I will take care of you and your family until death. You can live doing whatever you want, I will make that happen.~Lee Hui Kyeong

While appearing as a friend in front of the guy who can’t love you, you can’t be happy.~Lee Hui Kyeong

Yoo Se Mi

You're only thinking about him, you can't stop thinking about him. It's harder to not think about him. But at some point, you will realize that you're thinking about him. Then you think, "Oh, I was actually thinking about something else until I thought of him." That's when it doesn't hurt. That means you can have other thoughts once in a while.~Yoo Se Mi

Over 10 years, I have a man who I have an unrequited crush on. He's a person who has not looked at me even once, I don't know why I just keep on looking at that person.~Yoo Se Mi

To me he is the one who I want to have, even if I have to throw away everything I have.~Yoo Se Mi

I have to let go of you so I can be a friend to you once more. Then I’ll, at least, be able to tell you truthfully what I’m thinking.~Yoo Se Mi

Lawyer Jang Young Mok

People live really diligently even though they know they're going to die. Even though they know they will break up at some point, when they love, they love like there's no tomorrow. These childish beings are exactly what people are. Things will get better as time passes. It could even become as if it never happened. But, although the future is important, isn't the present just as important?~Lawyer Jang Young Mok

Can you stay here by chance? If you leave, after you've come to care deeply for someone, then wouldn't the heartache suffered by the person who's left behind be commensurate to the depth of the feeling, not to mention the one who's leaving?~Lawyer Jang Young Mok

Sir, I don't want to send you away from my side. You might say that it's ridiculous, but I truly feel as if I'm a parent who is sending off a child.~Lawyer Jang Young Mok
Now there's only 2 months left. You assets are almost settled, but I can't settle your heart for you. ~Lawyer Jang Young Mok

Hong Jin Kyung

You're First love is usually the most difficult.~ Hong Jin Kyung

A woman disliking someone can mean a lot different things, but if a man states positively that he dislikes you, it is because he means it.~ Hong Jin Kyung

Yi Hwa

A farewell should be done ahead of time. Because when the time really comes you won't have time to say good bye. ~

Before I met you, I had no hope about my future. I only had resignations and resentment. But after I met you, I looked forward to my future for the first time. For the first time, I desperately wanted to live. ~Yi Hwa

Cheong Song Yi's Father

After living, I’ve come to realize that one doesn’t need money, fame and all that. Once life ends, not much is left. So health is the most important. If you are healthy, you can protect your loved one.~Cheong Song Yi's Father


Do Min Joon: Do you want to know the method to not be hurt by people? Don't give or take anything.
Don't expect anything either. Then, you won't be disappointed or hurt.
Cheon Song Yi: Where is the fun of living then? You've never had a guest at home, right? Just by looking at you, you don't seem have friends either. Do you have a family? Living like an island like this, aren't you lonely?
Do Min Joon: There are over than 10 reporters who are waiting for you in front of my door. Out of people who live down there, more than half of them would know you well. Your manager, coordinator, fans...
There are always a lot of people around you, but you are here alone.
Cheon Song Yi: Why am I alone? We are here together.

Do Min Joon: There is a reason for everything. There must be a reason for people around you to leave you, Miss Cheon Song Yi.
Cheon Song Yi: What? So are you saying that me being like this is my fault?
Do Min Joon: Before holding grudge against the people around you for mot taking on your side, think about why you haven't been able to make them stand on your side. Perhaps, it's you that made you lonely.

Do Min Joon: Cheon Song Yi, get your head screwed on straight as you live. Whether you know the world or not, the world won't take it easy on you. Even if you crash unceasingly, even if you say you feel like you could die from how unfair it is, the world doesn't even care. You're on a cliff's edge right now. If you take a wrong step, you'll fall down into a bottomlessness wilderness below and disappear without a trace. So...
Cheon Song Yi: So... I'm asking Manager Do to stay next to me.

Do Min Joon: Because you really wanted to hear my answer, did you come all the way here?
Cheon Song Yi: No, I wanted to be with you. But, I want to hear your answer too.

Do Min Joon: Is it more important than I'm an alien and that I lived longer than 400 years? That I like you or not?
Cheon Son Yi: Yeah. To me that's much more, a thousand times more important.To me, it's more important than which star you're from, whether you're an alien, vampire, a monster, or whatever your past life was like. What the man I like, I mean, once liked, thought about me is more important to me.
Whether you like me with your heart even foe a second or if you were interested in me because of a girl you couldn't get over, is much more important to me. Isn't that obvious? You're the man I liked. Whether you saved me 12 years ago, whether you were that man or not, didn't matter to me. I just like you as Do Min Joon, my nextdoor neighbor. I like you with my heart. But if I were just a replacement for someone else, then you're the worst. If I still like you knowing that, then I'm even worse.

Cheon Song Yi, in her room: Help me so that I could forget. Help me so that I won't have any regrets. Help me so that I could be good to you.Help me...
Do Min Joon, in his room: Okay. But, how could I ever forget you?

Cheon Song Yi: So if he really doesn't go, he will die? Then he said that he is going to stay with me knowing that he could die? Why?
Lawyer Jang: He like you that much. Long before you started like him, he like you a lot. He like you more than you know. He didn't want to hurt your feelings. He tried so hard so that it didn't have to end up like this. I tried to stop him many times, but it was no use. He wants to stay with you at the cost of his life.

Cheon Song Yi: You saw me earlier, right? If you die while being next to me, I'm going to cry like earlier. For many days and weeks, no, many months, no, many years. Perhaps until I die. I'm going to blame myself, that you died because of me. I'm going to be in pain. Do you want that for me?
Do Min Joon: Then what about me? During all the long, long time, if I want to see you, what am I to do?No matter how much time passes, if I can't forget you, than what should I do?

By now, you guys probably got an inkling that I am really addicted to the series. Who's not anyway? Aren't those scenes and lines the best? And Do Min Joon and Cheon Song Yi are the sweetest? Right? Right? Right!

The story was over the top flamboyant, the lines and the scenes were all addictive and the characters were awesome. Need I say more?

Alright, now we can finally talk about the lessons we learnt. Anyone? As I mentioned above the series was poignant. It taught us not just about love but life lessons in general.

1.There's more to life than Power, Money and Fame:
It shows that that no matter how powerful, how rich and how famous you are you can't always get what you want. Those can't guarantee your happiness.I guess it safe to say that you can't really have everything all at once.That's life, it can never be perfect anyway.

2.A Person can never be entirely bad nor can be entirely good:
Looks can be deceiving.And what you see is not always what you get and what you should believe. Everyone has a dark side and inner beast within the same way everyone has good in there heart.Whether which one we will embrace is our choice.

3.Envy rots the bones:
Yoda from Star Wars once said 'envy leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to the dark side. It's a powerful emotion that can drive people mad and wreck relationships.
It will not let us live nor be satisfied with what we have.

4.Smart people don't think others are stupid:
People easily use to judge and jump to conclusions based strictly on what they hear or visualize.Sad thing about human, we are all guilty of judging quickly in order to retain our own innocence.

5.Love conquers all:
No doubt that love is capable of overcoming all obstacles, fear and other contradicting emotions. If you really love someone enough, you can deal with any problems that may come up. Therefore, love is the most important thing in life and it makes everything else seem less important.

6.Family is forever:
Regardless of differences, beliefs, imperfections and fights family is where you can find love for a life time

7.Quit hurrying and notice:
Why are you focusing on something ahead of  you that can’t be controlled,  instead of being here, instead of recognizing the joy within your days? You don't even notice what we are missing as you rush through the world. No matter how fast you move, or how many things you schedule, or how much you worry, or how many people you please, you can’t escape the truth about life. Seize the moment and notice life.

8.Appreciate all the little things. Appreciate Life:
More often than not, people tend to take for granted things that they have. They won't appreciate and value them until they're gone.  It's true that regrets are felt when it's just too late. Appreciate and value all the little things. Be thankful.

There you have it! I hope you like this guys and if you haven't seen My Love from the Stars yet, I suggest you watch it. You'll  surely love it.
