

DISCOVERING DAVAO-Day 5: The Samal Island Adventure, Monfort Bat Sanctuary

Day 5 (March 19,2016)
Our last day in Davao was spent in the beautiful Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS). Samal Island is a 2nd class city in the province of Davao del Norte and one of the seven thousand tropical islands in the Philippines with a larger number  of glorious beaches complete with soft white coral sand, rustling coconut palms, caves, number of natural waterways and gently lapping turquoise water. This little paradise on earth is located in the heart of the Davao Gulf and is composed of 7 islets. It is physically unattached to the mainland of Mindanao and has a stretch of over 118 kilometers of continuous coastline.

Only 10 minutes away by ferry from the city center, very accessible. There are several ways to get there:

1.Sta. Ana Wharf: (near Magsaysay Park, downtown area) where motorboats are available to ferry passengers directly to Kaputian and Talikud Island

2.Sasa Wharf Ferryboat landing: where passengers will be riding the Island City Express Bus from R. Castillo and Cabaguio St. (satellite terminal) and be transported by a ferryboat to the Brgy. Caliclic, Babak District

3.Sasa, Km.11 Wharf: where ROROs are available to passengers direct to Babak wharf

We opted the latter because most of the places in our Samal Island itinerary were just around Babak area. There are cabs and jeeps going to Sasa Wharf from the city center and since we were in a hurry, we just took a cab. Fare is 130php-150php. From the wharf, we boarded a RORO to cross to the island, it was just 10-15 minutes away and fare is only 10php. From Babak wharf there are lots of tricycles and habal-habals that you can hire to go around or to take you to your chosen resort. Fares can be very steep though, so try to haggle the best way you can. Good thing, Mikel is so good at haggling so we got our whole day habal-habal tour for only 700php. That includes Monfort Bat Sanctuary, Hagimit Falls and Villa Amparo Beach Resort--and having Kuya Igo (who speaks pure tagalog) as our tour guide/photographer was a plus.

First stop, Monfort Bat Sanctuary. Located at Barangay Tambo, Babak District, just around 15-20 minutes from the Babak Wharf. According to wiki, Montfort Bat Sanctuary has been the home of a large colony of 2.3 million Rousette fruit bats since recorded history. They cover 75% of the ceilings and walls of their 245 ft (75 m)-long cave. Recognized by the Guinness World Records as the largest single colony of it's kind. Amazing! Entrance is 100php, by the way.

Norma Monfort is the current owner of the 57 acres of land including its 1.8 million fruit bats. She enclosed the property to discourage any possible bat hunters. Additionally, she hired 24-hour guards to protect the bats. Norma Monfort was named 2011 Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund Hero.

With such an abundant amount of fruit bats, visitors can get an up close look from outside any of the five entrances (the fifth one, the one they called 'the senior citizen ward is too smelly though). Visitors cannot enter because  each entance is surrounded by bamboo rails where you could peek in to see the bats, any disturbance can cause panic to the bats so be very careful. Late afternoon is suggested to be the best time to visit because of the daily Circadian flight. The Circadian flight occurs right after sunset, when millions of bats fly out of the cave to find food. That would be too cool to see, too bad we went there 10am and had to leave early for we still had two more places to visit and a flight to catch in the evening. Oh, well better luck next time!

And oh, I saw Vanishing Island from here, Kuya Igo (our tour guide) said you can rent a boat to get there. It is so scenic from a far, I wish we had more time to visit the island but it was ok, will do next time. I had fun seeing millions of bats and yes, it was my first encounter with bats upclose so yey, hurrah to me! Okay, our beach adventure is coming up next, so yeah, see yah!

Breakdow of expenses (Monfort Bat Sanctuary)

Fare was already included in our whole day Habal-habal tour that cost 700php. But if you will visit the cave alone, it will cost you around 50php each. Anyhoo, Habal-habal drivers have their tour packages, starts with 1500php-2000php for five common destinations-- other packages depend on how far the places are. Like what I've said, prices can be really steep but you can always negotiate. Haggle the way you do in Divisoria hehe, that always work! Will post Kuya Igo's contact number and the all in all breakdown of expenses on the last part of my Day 5 post so watch out!

Entrance Fee: 100php x 2 =200php
Environmental Fee: 5php x 2=10php

Total: 210php


DISCOVERING DAVAO-Day 4: Eden Nature Park

Day 4 (March 18,2016)
Last stop that day was Eden Nature Park, it was a little far (maybe an hour or less) from PEC and MGR. Located at the foot of Mt. Talomo in Eden Toril, Davao City. It is 3,000 feet above see level so going up is quite an adventure. You can reach the place by private car, taxis and habal-habal. We opted to take habal-habal going up so we had to get to Toril first. From Calinan there are vans going to Toril, fare is around 40-50php (I already forgot, sorry). If you're coming from the city center though you can take jeepneys going to toril, don't know how much but I am pretty sure it's cheaper. From Toril you can take habal-habal going to the park, it's about 45 minutes or less and fare is 80php/person.

Eden Nature Park is an 80 hectares man-made nature park. According to their website, it was discovered sometime in 1971 and used to be a logged-over area covered only by a blanket of wild grass. Not long after, terraces were carved out of the mountain slope, and thousands of pine tree seedlings were planted. As the pine trees grew, they provided canopies allowing other trees and plants to grow and creating a secondary forest. Today, there are over 100,000 pine trees spread throughout the park providing a refreshing backdrop to the various attractions.

Speaking of which, Mikel and I missed most (extreme adventures closes at 4pm). We got there around 4pm, luckily --just in time for the last guided tour that day. Though you can roam around all by yourselves as you wish--the park is just too big and besides we didn't have much time left, we needed to see and enjoy the place before the sun sets. The guided shuttle tour cost 120php, it's a must to see The Amphitheater, Lolas Garden, Flower Garden, Plaza Maria, Mayumi's Well and Tinubdan (where the cave of wisdom is located) without getting your feet sore from walking and yes to save time.

After the tour, Mikel and I visited the Butterfly Garden and took some more pictures around the park then we had our snack that goes with our entrance stab. We then tried rope gliding in their Indiana Jones because we were so frustrated that we didn't get to experience their Sky adventures, maybe next time!

The time we spent at the park wasn't enough to experience all the activities they offer but it was still fun. Aside from the guided tour and their Sky adventures--Eden Nature Park offers more recreational activities that you guys will surely enjoy! Check the photo below for more info.

For more info check their website here.


Breakdown of expenses (Eden Nature Park)

Van fare from Calinan to Toril: 40php x 2= 80php
Habal-habal fare from Toril to Eden Nature Park: 80php x 2= 160php
Entrance with Plated Snack: 220php x 2= 440php
Guided Shuttle Tour: 120php x 2= 240php
Habal-habal from Eden Nature Park going back to Toril: 60php x 2= 120php
Jeep from Toril to Davao City: 20php x 2= 40php

Total: 1,080php

And here's our Day 4 Breakdown of expenses:

Eden Nature Park: 1,080php
Malagos Garden Resort: 120php
Philippine Eagle Center: 400php

Total: 1600php

So there you go peepz, Day 4 finally done! I hope you like all the posts and you find them helpful. As you can see, Mikel and I only spent 1600php (food excluded) and that includes all the places we've been to that day along with entrance fees and fare. I told you, you can actually visit all these places without spending a fortune. Day 5 is coming up next, see yah!