

DISCOVERING DAVAO-Day 5: The Samal Island Adventure, Hagimit Falls

Day 5 (March 19,2016)
Samal Island isn't only filled with jaw dropping and breathtaking beaches but also with looming waterfalls that will surely leave you awestruck. Just like the last but not the least stop on our last day in Davao-The Hagimit Falls, located at Barangay Cawag, 2 kilometers away from Penaplata proper. To get there you need to hire a habal-habal and hike more or less 10 minutes. Upon entering you have to pay 5php environmental fee. Entrance is 40php for adult and 20php for kids. Cottages cost 300php-1000php. We didn't rent since we just stayed there for an hour, Kuya Igo's friends just voluntered to look after our stuff, aren't they really nice? Don't worry guys, it's ok, we're not in Manila-we're in Davao.

Hagimit Falls is a cascade of small waterfalls that stream into a natural catch basin of cool waters. It is quite small and the falls aren't that high but all falls naturally. It was surrounded by Hagimit trees, where they got the falls name. The place is not yet fully developed and the forest was unspoiled, which I think is a good thing.

We visited the place after lunch so it was a bit crowded but that didn't stop us, we just put down our stuff  and voila-we threw ourselves under the waterfalls and the rest was playtime for the kiddos, haha! The water was very cold that we started shuddering but we were enjoying the waterfall massage and the soft sound as it drizzle onto the rocks. We (with a local guide of course) even tried passing under the rock entry way into the cave, how cool was that? One brave girl here! And the boyfriend even tried jumping into the falls like a pro, haha! Like what I've told you, it wasn't that high-don't freak out. Lols!

Too bad we didn't have enough time so we couldn't stay long, we only had an hour but it was all fun. We enjoyed the fresh ice cold breeze water, tropical rainforest feel and the cool refreshing feel of the cascading waters. A perfect place for those who love nature and lazy break. Another must visit when in Davao.

And here's the most challenging part for me, going back to the entrance, you have to go up the stairs. Oh yes, you have to--there's no other way but up, haha!

Million thanks to our very nice and reliable tour guide/photographer, Kuya Igo. He speaks pure tagalog because he's from Manila. I promised him that I will recomend him to you guys, so if you will visit Davao and Samal Island--here's his contact #09489276108--you'll like him for sure!

We looked so tired and quite sad here because it was our last day and we didn't want to leave Davao just yet--we still want to stay a little longer. Five days seemed too short to visit all the wonders it offers. Our Davao trip was the best trip we've been to so far, it's just so beautiful, we just didn't want it to end. But just like any other vacation it has to come to an end. Sigh! Just by writing this blog made me miss Davao, please take me back! I would love to come back soon, especially now that the great Mayor is now our President--going back to Davao will be very special. Oh well, that's all for our Davao trip guys. I hope you enjoy all my posts and you find them helpful. Till the next trip folks!

Breakdow of expenses (Hagimit Falls)

Environmental Fee: 5php x 2=10php
Entrance Fee: 40php x 2= 80php

Total: 90php

Day5 Breakdown of expenses

Cab Fare (two way): 130php x 2=260php
RORO (two way): 10php x 2=20php x 2=40php
Habalhabal Whole Day Tour: 700php
Hagimit Falls: 90php

Total: 1500php