


Few months ago I was all about sewing and designing and creating. I was so inspired and motivated. Then sh*t happened and all of a sudden they're all gone. Motivation and inspiration were nowhere to be found~and has been replaced by the desire to laze around in bed, watch Netflix and bask in all my excuses and justifications. I tried to fight it. I'm still trying. And I have been really doing my best to find them and get them back but got no luck. Until today, I talked about motivation with one of students. I asked him, what motivates you? He answered, I don't believe in motivation teacher. I asked, why? He said, because it can derail our dreams and goals. I don't rely on motivation. I don't wait for motivation. I just do it. IT HIT ME. HARD. SO HARD. I was putting all of my dreams and aspiration in the hands of motivation BUT MOTIVATION IS FLAKY. I wasn’t getting very close to achieving anything I wanted because I keep on relying on it. I always look for it. I always wait for it. And I always blame it for not getting things done. Don't get me wrong being motivated is good. But it's unreliable. It's fleeting.  If you’re always waiting around for motivation to show up, you’ll likely never reach your dreams. My student was right. You just gotta DO IT.