

Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012: The aftermath

 It's Friday--and as usual my sched isn't that packed so I have all the time in the world yey!--Boredom kills though, been browsing most of the blogs that I follow for a couple of hours now but still  have tons of time left. So then, I went to PEP's site for some juicy and latest chika (bilang self proclaimed tsismosa ako) and I came across with this one-- this part caught my attention (helloo talk of the hour why not?) -they wrote an article bout the  PROS and CONS of the CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT of 2012.
“(4) Libel. ─ The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.”

Ayon nga sa Article 355 ng Revise Penal Code, “A libel is public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one who is dead."

Ibig sabihin, ang pagpintas, halimbawa, sa isang pulitiko sa personal blog ay maaaring mauwi sa pagkakakulong.

Ang pagpapahayag din ng galit sa isang yumaong presidente dahil sa pagsikil nito noon ng demokrasya ay maaari ding paglabag sa Cybercrime law dahil sa pariralang “to blacken the memory of one who is dead.”

Ito ay may parusa ring mula anim hanggang labindalawang taong pagkakakulong.

At dahil sa (a) Section 5 o “Aiding or abetting in the Commission of Cybercrime,” ang simpleng “like” o “retweet” ng isang itinuturing na libelous post ay maaaring sabihin na isang paglabag.

Gayundin ang pag-share ng isang artikulo dito sa na maaaring maka-offend sa isang personalidad...

Gayundin ang pagpapahiram ng charger sa isang tao na gagamit ng cell phone para magtuligsa ang isang pulitiko...

Wottduh**** this is exactly without a doubt the main reason why most of us aren't in favor of that controversial law. I already had my say posted on my tumblr account and binggo! I'm so-so right~ they said that this law is made for the benefits of the common good--for the people but for me it doesn't look like this way. This is nothing but an arbitrary decision-- personal will of those highbound-self centered--cocky--powerful individuals who will always find ways around the laws just to protect themselves!

This law aims not to protect ordinary people~this is more like depriving our every right to express ourselves--speak our mind-- burst our rants against their bad doings --which is contrary to the Philippine Constitution Article 3-Section 4 that says-

“No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or of the right of the people peacably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.”

People from the past sacrificed their very life for our freedom--and this CYBERCRIME PREVENTION LAW was just made to crop that (make face).

To repeal or to amend? (wotever Justin Bieber!)

can I just say that executing this law and any other laws-- won't make any difference nor won't make any better anyway. What they have to do? --improve Justice system and provide Filipinos with equal justice under law. Another thing, there are more serious problems our country's facing now a days so why not try to focus and prioritize them instead? Stop wasting time arguing and debating--cause that's gonna be another never ending roller coaster discussion and drama of the cocky ones once again--so silly!

Election is just 8 blocks away from now--and as expected there will be lots of undying pledges and promises such as (Kayo ang bida!, Kayo ang boss!, Pilipino muna! Para sa Pilipino! blah-blah-blah). Surely they'll pay court to win our hearts once again and then? WALEY (Nauto nanaman si JUAN). I remember someone told me 'Wala kang kwentang mamamayan kasi di ka bumoboto', yes you got it right, I don't really vote and that's my personal choice. That's seems not right for some but for me, I don't really think anybody out there deserves my vote (mahal ang boto ko noh~char!).

What do you think guys?!

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