

Da return of da comeback: The New beginning

As far as my inner goddess knows, writing is something I’d love doing aside from eating, sleeping and cuddling~char! That’s why I so~so hate my lazy self for neglecting my~so~called~blog for months now. I’d been very very— ok cut it off, no more excuses~ I’ll just try to (must do) kick my lazy ass off as much as possible from this day forward. And as promised I’ll back my blogging groove to make up for being MIA for a while.

So let me share you guys what I’d been up to for the past couple of months. As of what my archive (on tumblr) is showing me, I only had a few posts~ok let me say four since August—huwaatttduh? ok that’s how lazy I’d been~my bad!. Well, if you’re following my blog religiously (as if I have that much of followers~feelingerang frog! haha) you know that I often update my blog and share my daily dose of life but for some odd reason I lost my drive~and the lazy song just got away the creative inner goddess in me~maybe just because a lot of things were going on that time~i guess.

Ok~so here, join me in my trip down memory lane for the past two months (maka memory lane naman wagas kala mo 48 years na ang nakalipas! lol)

Last August I took the liberty of resigning from my post after I had a lil argument with my not so ‘informed manager’ (because every time we’ll ask him bout something~he’s fave line is ‘I don’t know’~wot a manager~very reliable~char!~ok cybercrime law remember! haha). Going back, it’s been two years and a half of a roller coaster ride being an ESL teacher/team captain in the company that I once loved (wow, now hate~so bitter hahaha)~ Ok, I have to remind myself bout the cyber crime prevention law from time to time while I’m doing this post cause I might burst all my rants here and they might file a case against me~lol!

Kidding aside, honestly when I first got the job way back March 2010, I already knew that I will stay for good because I simply love the people around me. We started as a small company so there were just a few teachers sharing stations in a tiny room~so we’re like all friends~(ok me style, family style~char!). Maybe if not for my friends I wouldn’t be there for long. The big part of staying definitely because of them (ok aside from the work loads na not so toxic and the time na not so nakaka-stress). But there were really things that I had to give up no matter how much I want to hold onto them (naks~ansavee? pang famas ang peg~lol). I really miss them and our craziness together and how I wish I’d still hang out with them as much as we do before~though Tycoon is just a few steps away from Tektite it’s kinda hard because my sched won’t allow me to do so.

Speaking of Tycoon, yes I already got a new job~had to find a greener pasture for my personal and professional growth. Luckily, the company’s management is way-way better~so organized and all and so far I don’t have any probs aside from using social networking sites is a big NO-NO ( partial reason why I can’t blog that much) and my friends aren’t here and it’s kinda not that easy to make friends with the people since this is some kind of a big company~and most of them already have their own circle of friends. I’d been here for a month now and yet I feel I’m so-so alone, trying to fit in~still adjusting but I’m doing pretty good so far and how I hope for good.

So there~just so you know what I’d been doing while I’m away in the cyber world~and promise i’ll get back on track from now on~*keeping my fingers crossed*. Expect me to flood your dash again~cause hey I’m so so back~and wait there's more I have a whole new little world again~blogspot beybi~yep I decided to create a new one~care to add me?! This is it~da return of the come back~the new beginning :*

note to self:
I should really get a new broadband just for me to stay connected anytime~anywhere.

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