

I wish I were a kid again..


All my life, I wanted to grow up~I wanted to grow older so this world would take me seriously~but now, I am and ironically all I want is to be a kid again.
I want to be free again, free from the decisions, the choices, worries, bills and all the responsibilities.
I wish I were a kid again..
Where the only important guy in my life was my dad (at least I'm pretty sure he won't break my heart), Where the only reason why I cry was because of skinned knees (my mom will just clean and kiss and I'm all ok).
Where the only happiness for me were candies and lollipops (even though they can make my tooth hurts) and Where the hardest decision I had to make was to peak a crayon (wonder if I ever had a hard time, I only love purple).
I wish I was that child again, I can be reckless and carefree, no pain or jealousy. The world was fun and small and I was  allowed to cry when I would fall. I didn’t care, my life was simple that way.
I wish I didn’t have to worry about the things I worry about. I wish I could just encase myself in my room, put my headset on and read books all day long.
Once in a while, I act like a child to feel like a kid again. It gets like a prison in this body I'm living in because everyone's watching, and quick to start talking, I'm losing my innocence.
Wish I were a little girl, without the weight of the world.

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