

Lazy days and red days

I'm so-so not in a mood to do anything today~having un-wanted visitor monthly is such a mood jerker and wotduhh--it's the time of the month once again~sigh! Me, being so lazy and moody is a norm but holy cow, I get even more lazy and moody during red alert days~can you just imagine how horrible is that? White and comfy days are really way better--not unless you're waiting for that 'un wanted-visitor'to come cause you don't want to get pregnant-well that's another story-lol!
Going back with my not so good mood--today, unfortunately I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and as usual was too lazy to drag myself out of my comfy crib. It was half past 11 but I'm still lying like I don't have any plan to go to work. I really didn't want to get up but my alarm clock kept ringing and the PAI (Perfect Attendance Incentive)--yes the PAI (pakingteyp na PAI yan di maalis sa isip ko). So I didn't have any choice but to start fixing my self and head to work--syettt!
On my way to work~I just had this thought that--instead of making and passing Cybercrime Prevention Law--why not make a law that says Women are not allowed to go to work if they have their monthly period~(ang hirap kaya neto~try nyo guys). I think this one really make sense~and sure thing all the girls out there will agree with me~lol! And if ever this will ever happen ~ill be the happiest!

 Btw, I envy this dog big time~how I wish I can just be like that every day. Oh-lazy days and red days why you so annoying?

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