

Pre halloween hijinkery

Spooky stuff every where only means that halloween is just around the corner and yes it is, in every corner in the office. For a couple of days or so all the accounts were really in the mood to come up with something creepy yet new than the usual halloween themes we've been seeing for years now. I felt kinda excited cause as far as I remember this is the very first time I'm taking halloween seriously--Not that I'm no for halloween parties, trick or treat and all but I just never had any special memories of halloween aside from the haunted house we got into when I was around 9 I guess, which I can barely remember what really happened. So you can't blame me if I'm this ecstatic.

Anyways, having this kind of atmosphere in the office reminds me of what I missed more--doing art works--hahaha! As I told you we'd been very busy preparing for this halloween decorating thingy. We were like so high school preparing for a play--with all the props and all (looking back for nostalgia's sake).  Each account should make their stations extra eerie as they could ( papatalo ba nmn kami? lol). Ok, so the creative team of our account  came up with this  'doomed cemetery' concept. No picture for now--it's going to be a surprise and I'm gonna post all the photos I took on Halloween. So watch out for that. For now  here's a teaser --'the making photos'--and just so you guys have an idea --hehe.

We wanted it to look ghastly without shelling out money so we decided to use recycle materials. Oh yes, we made the decors out of trash and surprisingly it turned out good--ok better that I ever expected. It looks real-- that sometimes it can make me feel buried six feet under, wooh it's just me and my wild imagination. Oh no, I've said too much--I'm trying to keep this low-key for now and I've been restraining myself  to give much more info just to keep you guys curious. I must end this now before I spill the beans!

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