

Random Saturdate: 34th UbeKeso Day

It's another fun filled Saturdate as we celebrate our 34th UbeKeso day, so like the usual the boyfriend didn't go to work just to spend the day with his so brat girlfriend~lol! We went to Ubelt again for my undying fried noodles craving. Didn't I  ever mention that CHING'S FRIED NOODLES is the best fried noodles in town?! Yeah, baby they have the best barbecue sauce  that can make you forget your name~ok, exaggeration as if they're paying me to endorse them~hehehe! But no, I'm not and how I wish I'm that popular to get paid just for blogging~*keeping my fingers crossed*. Ok then back to reality, after we had snack we then went to bench and saw the breaking news that I'd been waiting for ages, ~I know I'm a lil outdated and it's such a shame to claim myself Lee Min Ho's greatest fan---blame my busy sched, haha. I already knew that he's coming for BENCH but where have I been all this time?! I didn't even know he's coming soon enough~I wasn't informed~hahaha! anyways, better late than never.  I saw this poster about the event this coming November 16 at the big dome..

I just hope you guys saw my reaction when I saw this~well infact until now I can still feel that *kilig* just by writing this post and while staring at his poster--ohmygosh~as in ohmygosh! hahaha.Ok enough, I'm too happy that I almost forgot that the tickets are selling like rice cakes and that I have to hurry to get one before they ran out of invites. Sadly though, we didn't have spare money left na because of  all the bills and expenses for this month and the boyfriend's pay day is this coming Friday pa~I just hope tickets are available pa by that time--sigh! Actually, you really didn't have to buy the tickets talaga and there's no reservation~what you have to do is to purchase any FIX Styling products to get the single-receipt purchase requirement. That will serve as your free invite and must be exchanged for actual ticket to get inside the big dome. Maximum of 3 invitations per single receipt so you can bring your plus two with you~the more the merrier daba?! What are you waiting for? Go to the nearest Bench store and grab the invites now~just make sure you guys will left one for me ok?! For more info visit Bench's website. Wahhh! that's double plugging, I'm doing this like a pro-lol!

Going back, after that mind breaking news and after I went gaga to Lee Min Ho we headed to Quiapo church to attend the mass. I had to and fortunately I was able to bring back my sanity and attentively listened  as the priest preached about Pedro Calungsod . I'm familiar with the name but since I'm no catholic I really didn't know much about  him. I learnt that Calungsod was a young Roman Catholic Filipino migrant, sacristan and missionary catechist, who along with Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores, suffered religious persecution and martyrdom in Guam for their missionary work in 1672. While in Guam, Calungsod preached Christianity to the Chamorro people through catechism, while baptizing both infants, children and adults at the risk and expense of being persecuted and eventually murdered. Through Calungsod and San Vitores' missionary efforts, many native Chamorros converted to Roman Catholicism. Calungsod was formally beatified on March  5, 2000 by Blessed Pope John Paul II. On February  18, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI officially announced that Calungsod will be canonised on October  21, 2012. And that's tomorrow~more like today, he'll be then the country's second saint after Lorenzo Ruiz. I may not be a catholic but Philippines is my home so I somehow feel the spiritual joy and national pride that you guys are feeling right now. Proud Pinoy!

After church--we went to UnivMall for the boyfriend's tekken thingy then went back home, played with Maxx and Saav had Andok's for dinner (thanks to Dodie and Gleng) and started blogging and now I'm about to end this post before it gets longer and longer--lol!

Wooah! looks like I got to know a lot of things in a day--information over load here, from Ching's fried noodles to Lee Min Ho to Pedro Calungsod.--Wottah fun filled-productive Saturdate I had! Happy 34th UbeKeso day again to the boyfriend. I see u.

How about you guys~how's your weekend so far? I hope your are all having fun. Opps, it's Sunday na pala~Happy Sunday y'all! ^____^

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