

Mind over matter

Being MIA for a couple of days didn't help, rather made me even more burned out --just so you know, I had a sudden 5 day off from work--plus the weekend--ok I had a week of breathing space. No, I didn't go out of town--which I really wanted, unluckily I got sick--got my throat swollen so I'd been muffled at home instead the whole time. Blame the 2 day game festival last weekend for this haha, ask me why? ok, I'll make another entry for that--really late but again--better late than never. Another thing, I am sorry bout the halloween photos I promised, saved them on my pc--surprisingly there was a station shuffling happened in the office when I got back and sadly I got all my files gone and there's no way for me to retrieve them. Anyways as much as I don't want to go to work anymore, I am still happy they didn't fire me. Isn't that silly?

Going back to my unplanned yet much needed vacation and all the realizations--I don't know but I really can't understand and explain this kind of feeling. I thought that those time off I had from work would help me relax and rejuvenate my exhausted mind. Unfortunately though, it only gave me more time to think and I guess over thinking won't make things any better--what I need is a certain mind to see things clearly--I know. Mental peace oh please!  

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