

36th UbeKeso Day : The Man I Love

    I love a man…

    who says sorry when he does something wrong.

    I love a man…

    who stays up all night with me, even if he needs to get up early

    I love a man...

    who is willing to skip his work just to spend the whole day with me

    I love a man...

   who is willing enough to look stupid in front of everybody else just so he can make me happy

    I love a man…

    who holds and kisses my hands.

   I love a man..

   who kisses me on the forehead.

   I love a man…

    who gives me gifts even if there's no occasion.

    I love a man...
    who lies to me just so he can surprise me.

    I love a man…

    who is always willing to pick me up from work even if he's tired

   I love a man...

   who is never ashamed of the fact that I am the only girl in his life.

   I love a man…

   who tolerates my nosiness, laziness, stupidity and craziness.

   I love a man..
   who laughs with my jokes.

   I love a man…

   who thinks I'm beautiful  even without any make up on.

    I love a man...
   who kisses me even if I don't brush my teeth yet.

    I love a man…

    who hugs me even if I stink.

   I love a man..

    who kisses, smells and scratch my armpit.

    I love a man..

    who sings me to sleep.

    I love a man..

   who takes all his cash out just so he can give me what I want.

   I love a man…

    who never cares about my imperfections.

    I love a man…

   who makes me comfortable in all times.

    I love a man…

    who endures my punches, who pretends it never hurt every time I hit or kick him.

   I love a man…

    who always let me win in dare games.

    I love a man..

   who pretends he’s weak just so I’ll feel stronger.

    I love a man…

   who  risks  his life just to save me.

    I love a man…

   who thinks I am the fairest of them all

   I love a man…

    who stares at me and tell I look wonderful.

   I  love a man…

   who knows what I hate and like

    I love a man…

    who is proud of me to his parents.

    I love a man..

    who always fill his relatives details about me.

    I love a man…

    who asks, listens and values my opinions and advices

    I love a man…

    who takes interests with things I like.

    I love a man…

    who loves purple because I love it.

    I love a man..

   who doesn't care if he’s corny or not.

   I love a man…

    who only wants is for me to be happy.

   I love a man…

   who hates to see me cry and won't let me cry.

    I love a man..

    who surprises me randomly.

    I love a man..

    who cooks for me even though he sucks at cooking

    I love a man..

    who washes my feet and brushes my hair

    I love a man..

    who befriends with my siblings and friends.

   I love a man..

    who pays so much respect with my parents.

    I love a man.. 

   who offers his slippers whenever I get tired of walking in my heels.

    I love a man..

   who carries me on his back so I won't get tired and so my shoes won't get wet if it's raining.

    I love a man..

    who argues with my  ideas and won't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong.

   I  love a man…

    who can be my friend.

    I love man..

   who can takes my outfit shots anywhere.

    I love a man..

    who is proud to tell the whole world, how much he loves me.

    I love a man..

    who loves me to bits and values me more than gold.

    I love a man..

    who's afraid of losing me.

    I love a man..

    who promised my Dad that he will take good care of me for him.

    I love a man..

   who will marry me and considers me his life.

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