

Christmas Party 2012

Finally here's the Christmas Party photos I promised--sorry if it's a bit overdue but anyway it's here na! There are too many so I just chose some. Ok, I won't prolong my intro--here's what happened in photos!

the venue

the buffet table

our table

the prayer

Sir Daryl, the emcee

the boss

naughty games

Lala's team performance

my team's performance

raffle, sadly though out of all the numbers that have been called--mine didn't 

my mommy at work--Momi Anne

vanity shots!

my favorite part! 

the video ganaps for each account

Daekyo best teachers

we won guys--best performance!

Lala was so lucky, she got the grand raffle price--well she deserves it the most naman after she lost her phone noh!

then Lala and I went to BCM party to meet the seokwangers--yeah gate crashers ang peg!

That was a fun filled night--I had a blast. Till next year--Merry Christmas in advance from me guys!

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