

Hello December

It's the time of the year once again--and I know for sure that everyone's getting busy for their Christmas must do and all. I can now feel the spirit and I can't help but to feel nostalgic--whattah bittersweet feeling. I can't imagine how time really flies so fast--little did I know it's December once again. It's been a year but it seems like just yesterday in my mind--I really can't believe another year will pass in just a few days from now--and wonder how will it ends for me. Well the year has been good so far and I hope it will stay that way. And though I'm feeling quite sad to say goodbye 2012--I'm also looking forward to start a new--am I too excited?

Ok, since another year is fast approaching and that only means I'll be getting a year older again let's just forget about that for now--shall we? Let's just keep ourselves busy for the up coming Christmas festivity. But then before that let me first look forward for Mikel and I's big day--we're going 36 (3 years) and that amaze me yay! Oh, not to mention the two and (more ?) Christmas parties I'll be attending. So in anticipation of those said events I'm now making myself busy as bee in thinking and planning and preparing. I know how holiday season can bring stress but yeah--I am much more excited--let's get started. It's Christmas time again! Have a wonderful holidays y'all!

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