

37th UbeKeso Day : “Sometimes you have to lose to win”

It was an awesome Saturdate once again. Win or lose you're still the winner at least for me! Hahaha. You will always be my champion. You're the best! Happy 37th UbeKeso Day! I see you. <3


It doesn't take any money, don't take nothing but what you have inside
It doesn't matter itf you fall down
It only counts if you try
So pull the blinds and let the light shine through
Don't you think it's time for the light
To finally shine right on you
So let them know what's underneath it all
You won't fall
And baby you'll move mountains too
There is nothing really left for you to prove
Cause everybody knows you lose before you win
And if you're finally at the end of your rope
Well then you just begin
When the world feels like it's left you behind
Just get back up and you will find
Everybody knows in the end you got to lose just to win

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