

Elie Saab’s Haute Couture 2013

I forgot to tell you guys that my good friend Lala just got engaged last week. Oh yes, she got the most memorable/priceless birthday gift ever in her life and I'm pretty sure until now she's still in seventh heaven. Who will not anyway? After that big surprise?  That's every girl's dream hello!. And can I just add that~Jay, Lala's boyfriend (now fiance) came all the way from New Jersey just to propose to her on her birthday. Right! he travelled thousand miles just to do that--he's so romantic, isn't he?! That must be really love and  I can't just wait to see Lala walks down the aisle yay! Congratulations Lala and Jay, I'm happy for guys!

Ok, and since we are talking about engagement and wedding here let me show you guys some of my favorite potential  wedding dresses from Elie Saab’s Haute Couture 2013. I just so love Elie Saab and her spring couture collections. So opulent and alluring! See for yourself guys and take your pick!


Too many to choose from! I love all of them to bits  that I can't really make up my mind if which is which. Well, I'll just think about that in time, for now I'll just keep them here for my future wedding dress peg. How about you guys?


Pinoy Versus : Tekken Tourny 2013

Ok, I know this is way too late but still worth sharing so here you go. A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend and his team joined another Tekken tourney held at iTECH MOA. And so again, I had to be there to bouy him up.

We woke up a lil late so we got there just in time for brunch. My dear tummy was rumbling already so I asked the boyfriend if we could eat first. Good thing the game didn't start yet so we still had ample time to grab something before it starts. We then went to Jollibee.

He barely touched his food. Tourny jitters-lol! After brunch, off we went, back to the venue and waited for just a lil longer. And while waiting I made myself busy taking photos of everyone and everything-hehe.

Here's the prize at stake--a Plantronics GameCom 780 headset and according to google it cost $79.99 so that's around Php3000+, not bad. But wait there's more--it also goes with a shirt, a cash prize and of course the honor to be called a 'Champion'.

Finally, let the battles begin!

There were also some other tournies happening on the other side. Here are some snapshots I grabbed from (Pinoy Versus facebook account).

More photos! Look how serious everyone was--DEAD SERIOUS!

and that includes me-lol!

oppps! twitter/fb/instagram break--hahaha.

Wonder what we were doing here? I was just coaching him-lol! And just to cut the story short my Mikel made it to the final round-yay! So before that nerve-wracking final game it's time for a break!

Time to take photos for my outfit post! Thanks to the boyfriend for taking these amidst the mob in MOA and his wracking nerves. Haha!

 And so while they're having a huddle I took these photos like a pro (?) to amuse myself.


Went to Serenitea for a relaxing yet refreshed feeling (bilang best in Kaba ako!).

After an hour or so of prolonging my agony, at last, AK (the kid in white) and Mikel were now up for the next big battle. It was like a moment of silence for me, as I was religiously praying and keeping my fingers crossed all through out the game. Unfortunately though we weren't that lucky but it's ok. I know everyone gave their best so that's more than enough--Cheers!

Ak won! That kiddo is really something and he really deserves to win. Hats off! 

photo grabbed from Happy's instagram
 And as for my Mikel, you still have me-lol! Win or lose you're still the winner, at least for me! You're the best and you will always be my champion. Till the next battle!


The Carrie Diarries : TV Series

As promised, more about The Carrie Diarries for SATC fans out there like me! If you badly missed SATC and Gossip Girl here's for you~the much awaited prequel  of SATC. This will follow Carrie Bradshaw's younger years so expect more of her fab outfits and more. Here you go!

According to it's Wiki
The Carrie Diaries is an American teen drama television series on The CW. It is a prequel to the HBO television series Sex and the City and based on the book of the same name by Candace Bushnell. The first season of the show focuses on Carrie Bradshaw during her junior year of high school in 1984, and she explores life in New York while interning at a law office. On May 11, 2012, the pilot was picked up by The CW to series and premiered on January 14, 2013.

More About TCD 

Before she was a fashion icon, before her column in the New York Star, before Mr. Big, Carrie Bradshaw was an innocent 16-year-old girl living in suburban Connecticut. The year is 1984, and Carrie’s mother has just passed away over the summer, which means Carrie has to grow up fast. Her younger sister Dorrit is more rebellious than ever, and their father Tom is overwhelmed with the responsibility of suddenly having to care for two teenage girls on his own. Carrie’s friends – sweet, geeky Mouse; sarcastic and self-assured Maggie, and sensitive Walt – make life bearable, but a suburban life in Connecticut isn’t doing much to take her mind off her troubles. Even though the arrival of a sexy new transfer student named Sebastian brings some excitement to Carrie’s world, she is struggling to move on from her grief. So when Tom offers Carrie the chance to intern at a law firm in Manhattan, she leaps at the chance.

The energy of New York City turns out to be exactly what Carrie needs, and her eyes are opened wide at the glamour and grit all around her. When she meets Larissa, the style editor for Interview magazine, she’s thrilled and inspired by the avant-garde club culture, performance art and amazing individuals that make up Larissa’s world. Larissa becomes an instant role model, and her influence gives Carrie a new perspective on every relationship in her life.

While Carrie is experiencing new things, her friends are facing their own challenges. Carrie’s friends Maggie and Walt have been a couple for two years, and though Maggie is more than willing to take the next step, Walt keeps putting off sex while he struggles with his own identity. It’s hard for Carrie because she loves them both, and what she doesn’t know is that Maggie is hiding a secret – her affair with an older man. Adding to the drama surrounding first sexual encounters, everyone in the group is surprised when studious, reserved, over-achieving Mouse suddenly confesses that she and her Princeton-student boyfriend had sex – and that he’s been avoiding her ever since. Though she’s trying to be there for her friends, Carrie has her own new romance with Sebastian to think about. Beneath his cool, bad-boy exterior, Sebastian has known his share of hurt. He reveals to Carrie that his own mother recently left the family, so he understands the sense of loss that comes with losing a mother. Unfortunately for Carrie, Sebastian’s good looks also catch the attention of the most popular – and most experienced – girl at school, Donna LaDonna, who immediately sets out to challenge Carrie for Sebastian’s affections.

On the home front, Carrie and her sister Dorrit are still clashing as they come to grips with their mother’s passing in different ways. Dorrit’s pain – along with the fact that she is 14 – leads her to rebel against all authority figures, while Carrie is doing her best to keep up the illusion that everything is fine.

Carrie’s next challenge will involve the internship that has opened up this new world to her. The job at the law office means nothing to her, but being in the city means everything, and she will soon have to decide whether to defy her father, leave the law office and take the first step toward a writing career. For young Carrie Bradshaw, friends and family will always have a big place in her heart, but she’s suddenly seeing everything in a brand new light, thanks to the most important man in her life – Manhattan.


AnnaSophia Robb stars as Carrie Bradshaw
The protagonist of the series and a high-school student. Carrie's mother died, Carrie's younger sister Dorritt is more rebellious than ever, and their father Tom is overwhelmed with the responsibility of suddenly having to care for two teenage girls on his own.

Austin Butler stars as Sebastian Kydd
The new kid of high-school and the love interest of Carrie. Sebastian moves to Castlebury High after getting kicked out of his old high school.

  Ellen Wong stars as Jill "The Mouse” Chen
  Carrie's best friend from high school.

  Katie Findlay stars as Maggie Landers
 Walt's sexually active girlfriend, and one of Carrie's best friends.

 Brendan Dooling stars as Walt Reynolds
 Carrie's other best friend. He is Maggie's boyfriend.

  Freema Agyeman stars as Larissa Loughton
  A hip, cutting-edge style editor at Interview magazine and party girl who acts as Carrie's mentor.

Here are some photos from the first two episodes-enjoy!

Carrie with her Dad, Tom Bradshaw.

aren't they look good together?

I so love this father and daughters scene! Made me miss my dad.

I'm so loving Carrie's print over print outfit here. So Carrie!

Oh! Donna Ladonna and the gang ready to bully Carrie!

Birds of the same feathers are bestfriends-lol! Meet Walt, Maggie and Jill, Carrie's best chums.

They really make a lovely couple, oppps, sorry Vannessa--haha!

They look so cute and interesting, aren't they? Well, TCD gonna have 13 episodes for it's 1st season so there's more to watch out for. It premiered January 14, 2013 and already aired it's first two episodes, so if you really missed SATC and GG's fab fashion trend and intriguing scenes this show is definitely for you. If you haven't yet, start watching and get hooked!

For more photos, info and videos visit