

Pinoy Versus : Tekken Tourny 2013

Ok, I know this is way too late but still worth sharing so here you go. A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend and his team joined another Tekken tourney held at iTECH MOA. And so again, I had to be there to bouy him up.

We woke up a lil late so we got there just in time for brunch. My dear tummy was rumbling already so I asked the boyfriend if we could eat first. Good thing the game didn't start yet so we still had ample time to grab something before it starts. We then went to Jollibee.

He barely touched his food. Tourny jitters-lol! After brunch, off we went, back to the venue and waited for just a lil longer. And while waiting I made myself busy taking photos of everyone and everything-hehe.

Here's the prize at stake--a Plantronics GameCom 780 headset and according to google it cost $79.99 so that's around Php3000+, not bad. But wait there's more--it also goes with a shirt, a cash prize and of course the honor to be called a 'Champion'.

Finally, let the battles begin!

There were also some other tournies happening on the other side. Here are some snapshots I grabbed from (Pinoy Versus facebook account).

More photos! Look how serious everyone was--DEAD SERIOUS!

and that includes me-lol!

oppps! twitter/fb/instagram break--hahaha.

Wonder what we were doing here? I was just coaching him-lol! And just to cut the story short my Mikel made it to the final round-yay! So before that nerve-wracking final game it's time for a break!

Time to take photos for my outfit post! Thanks to the boyfriend for taking these amidst the mob in MOA and his wracking nerves. Haha!

 And so while they're having a huddle I took these photos like a pro (?) to amuse myself.


Went to Serenitea for a relaxing yet refreshed feeling (bilang best in Kaba ako!).

After an hour or so of prolonging my agony, at last, AK (the kid in white) and Mikel were now up for the next big battle. It was like a moment of silence for me, as I was religiously praying and keeping my fingers crossed all through out the game. Unfortunately though we weren't that lucky but it's ok. I know everyone gave their best so that's more than enough--Cheers!

Ak won! That kiddo is really something and he really deserves to win. Hats off! 

photo grabbed from Happy's instagram
 And as for my Mikel, you still have me-lol! Win or lose you're still the winner, at least for me! You're the best and you will always be my champion. Till the next battle!


  1. Hi Ate Mai,

    Ganda po, parang Fairy tale. :)

    Hi po kay Kuya Hapz

    - AK

  2. Hi there Ak! thanks you like it. Hehe :) Way to go!
