

Work Abroad: Be Who Yo Want To Be!

It wasn't really my dream to work abroad nor to go anywhere far away from my family. When I was younger I thought that going abroad is no good just because (ok, aside from I can't really stand not having my family around) I was afraid of riding on a plane cause I'm scared of it crashing--that was a lame excuse but yeah, that's true and I bet most kids do. I remember my dad once planned to work abroad and I stopped him, I really didn't like the thought of working real far just to make a better living--where being apart from your love ones is the price to pay.  I didn't get it why parent's would choose to leave their family behind for the sake of money. So I  made a promise to myself that I will never-ever consider working abroad--not even in my wildest dream.

But the thing is, as we grow older and the more we get mature our preferences change and so am I. Now that I am already a young adult and somehow quite experiencing the quarter life crisis, I am now starting to realize that there are a lot of things about myself that I am unsure of. It's really true that nothing is constant in life but change. As much as we want to stay a kid forever, we simply cannot--we will grow old and as we grow older that only  means that our responsibilities will get bigger too. And that's when we start to worry about the future and making life for ourselves. I mentioned here a couple of times before that I am really in that stage of life where I  wonder where I will be in the years to come. I looked into my life and I realized that it is not even close to what I thought I'd be having. No, don't get me wrong, I am perfectly happy with my life now-- having my family and love ones around--but there's more in life that I have yet to experience and I would love to experience them any time soon. That exactly is the reason why I am now breaking my promise not to work abroad. All of a sudden I am now so into it, maybe because now, I know better. I now know that there are a lot of opportunities there compared here. I am now ready to look for a brighter horizons, for a greener pasture and for a better life. I know for a fact the this won't be easy but I guess it's the time to completely start living outside my comfort zone-- welcome and embrace all the changes in  life and the possibility for new things and be who I want to be.

I’ve always believed that persistence can get you what you want--so I will definitely give it a try! In due time and in God's will I know it will happen. Wish me luck guys!

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