

How to make Valentine’s Day extra special Mai way!

Valentines day is just a few days away and I know that some of you guys are now cramming out and running out of ideas on what perfect gift you could give or what special plan could be great just to make Valentine’s Day extra special. And me, being one of you is also having a hard time thinking of what to do cause of  some odd reasons:

1.Mikel and I  need to work that day.

2. It's not yet pay day so we’re broke.

Having the reasons above, it’s quite clear that no matter how we really wanted to celebrate/go out on a date on Valentine’s day~the fact is we really can’t and that burst my bubbles *insert very sad face here*. But then being the Optimist prime that I am, I thought of some ideas on how to make Valentine’s Day extra special MAI~way!

So if you guys are still thinking and rushing cause you only have a couple of days left, well you got the right page. What to do if you can’t go out cause you both have work or just simply you guys are broke (like us)? Well, I’ve got some ideas here for you! Check this out:

1. The classic valentines card: Make your own Valentine’s Day card out of reusable materials and to add up some sweetness, compose a poem or make a letter that expresses how inlove and thankful you are to have him/her. Don’t  forget to give it personally wearing your sweetest smile. (this is the easiest and the most affordable guys so go!)

2. Take a trip down memory lane: Create a “recollection collection” scrapbook filled with favorite photographs, love letters, keepsakes from special occasions, and cherished mementos. Then look at it together while having a cup of coffee~and reminiscing. How sweet is that? (I should have done this since I have an empty scrapbook at home, the thing is I am just a lazy ass.)

 2. Official Video: Make a video of  your photos together (using movie maker) with your favorite song of course and a short message of love, upload it on Youtube or Vimeo and post it on his/her FB wall, Twitter or Tumblr. (I usually do this, that’s why I’m pretty sure that this will work~trust me!)

3. Dinner with candle light: Prepare your loved one’s favorite dinner (even if you’re not that good at it, give it a try I mean give your very best, he’ll/she’ll sure appreciate your effort regardless of the taste, lol) and serve ( with just your apron on-joke!) it on a romantically set table and dine by candlelight at home~havey!.

4. Home sweet home: The gift of togetherness is precious so you can just spend the day/night at home by simply singing or dancing together.

*playing board games or cards

*or just by watching romantic movies together will definitely do. (super bonding lang ang peg, relaxing na you can make cuddle pa without minding others eyes daba? go!)

5. Hug and Kisses: But then again along these ideas, Valentine’s day will be a lot meaningful with a mind blowing kiss and big~bear hugs (for me it's the best you can give, that's priceless).

Just keep in mind that nothing beats the feeling of  having to celebrate that special day together-forever regardless of where and how. And remember it’s the thought that counts. So guys, there you have it~I hope they’ll help and I hope that you guys will all have the sweetest and the most memorable Valentines Day ever. STAY in LOVE and SPREAD LOVE!



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