

Family is forever

I have 6 siblings and being the ate (sister) I can say I'm fair enough for them to feel that I love each of them equally. I love them all like my own kids. I know next to mom and dad, I'm the only person who can protect, defend, understand and love them unconditionally.

We're 7 individuals, we have our own personalities, we have differences and yes we are not perfect, like any other normal siblings  we do fight but the good thing is we all have a quick rebound. We never hold grudges. We are all close and we get a long so well. That's how my mom and dad brought us. We grew up with so much love in our heart. And even though we lost our Dad so soon we remain united. I always tell them to keep in mind  that  we only have each other, so no matter what happen we just have each others' back. We will grow old together hand in hand.

I love my family. My family is my kryptonite. They're my weakness and yet my source of strength.

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