

Welcome To The World Maxean Sabryna!

If there's one thing I'd rather leave behind in the New Year~it's definitely gonna be my L-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S! Oh yes it is! Can't update this blog cause I'm LAZY! Been wanting to write someting but I'm just too LAZY! I'm so fvck'n LAZY and I hate it!

Oopps, don't get me wrong~this is not a typical year ender post. Definitely not. First, it's way too late for a year end post. And second, I decided not to make a resolution list this year. Why?, oh well let me tell you. I'd been making New Year's resolution for a long, long time cause my desire to start up anew  pops up repeatedly every year~but sadly, I always ended up breaking every single promise on my list *sigh* So~yeah, I'm all done with resolution this year. So done!

Anyhoo, I'm back cause I wanna share something yey! We have a new baby in the family. How's that?! Cool! So world meet MAXEAN SABRYNA, baby BREE as what we call her.

Can't wait for you to grow up Baby! *Gigiiiiil* Happy 2014 indeed!

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