

Mai-Vission Board

Turning 27 last February gave me a deep feeling for self-realization. It made me realize what a torpid person I'd been for the past years. I felt like I'd been procrastinating on everything and I am missing a lot. Oh, too little time I have left before I turn 30 (how time flies really fast) and yet I still have so many things to cross off on my dream to-do list *sigh*. I feel sorry for the wasted time~ but since I decided to look at things from a different perspective~ and to be more positive all the time, I think this is a perfect opportunity for me to start making the most of my time.

Though I know that age is just a number and that I'll be forever young at heart (and I'll always look like I'm 18~lols), I shouldn't waste time. That's why I made my very own 'Vision Board' for me to visualize and believe like I already own everything that I want. As the Law of attraction simply says~you attract into your life whatever you think about~so true!

So here are the things I want to accomplish for the next six years~or should I say before 2020..or at least before I decide to settle down and have a family of my own.

1. Go to Dubai and find a stable and better job. 

I already mentioned here early last year my plan to go abroad (read here). I chose Dubai because my aunts and uncle are already working there~it wouldn't be hard for me to look for a place to stay and of course to roam around since I have them with me. Another thing, levying taxes against personal income from employment is against the law in Dubai, oh yes, Dubai is a tax free country (how cool is that?). It's been a year and I'm still here *anyare?* but no worries, like what I've said I'm on my way there, I'm working on it~ and I think it's safe to say that I'm a work in progress. 

2. Save. Save. Save and Save.

I'm a self proclaimed spendthrift but I guess things will be a lot different there. I know Dubai is a good place to shop and that could be pretty tempting but I must know when to limit myself. I can do it!

3. Study Fashion Design.

I'd been asking myself if what really motivates me to work? Do I love what I'm doing? Am I happy? Is this what I really want to do? NO! I know that being a teacher is a pretty good job but this isn't the job I want to do for the rest of my life. I just use this as a temporary resting place, until I found something more fulfilling to do with my life. And now I'm certain and I've decided to pursue what I really love. 

4. Be a Fashion Designer and start my own Clothing Line.

I've been working really hard so designing have had to take a back seat. I remember even when I was a little~I love making paper dolls and designing clothes for them. So even when I was a kid I already know what I want in life. I just have to wait a little longer but I know I'll be one in no time. I just have to trust Him.

5. Buy a House and Lot for my family and for myself.

Growing up we're just renting a place to live and having an own house is an ultimate dream for me and for my family. A purple house to be exact~yay!

6. Own a Car.

Though I can't drive, I love road trips and I always want to have a car. It's the boyfriend and I's dream and soon it'll be reality.  How about a purple Lamborghini? Sounds great!

7. Globetrot.

I love to travel. I want to explore. I like to learn new things. I want to make new friends. And I badly want to see the world. I want to discover places I've never been to and experience beautiful things the world has to offer. Yet I don't know when and where to start~I surely will~soon.

8. Have an 'UbeKeso' Wedding.

Along with the list I made above I think this is the most important~at least for me.  It's every girls dream to have that one special day when they are the fairy tale's princess. It's that one day when they will be the most beautiful and happiest they have ever been~so regardless of what they have and what they want living happily ever after is the one that count the most.


Doing this made me even more realize that my life seems no where to go. I did not have a plan. I just drifted through my days without something to look forward to. I kept on making excuses. I'd been procrastinating~ so my life has become stagnant. Good thing, I know better now~I already have the courage to follow my plans and I continue to push things off. This list of things to do is made to bring more awareness into my life. To keep me posted and to remind me to make good use of my time and energy~and what I really want in life. This may seem like frivolous, fantastical and impossible to do in a short period of time but everything is possible for one who believes. And besides, it doesn't really mean that I can't continue to do these things after 2020~ I still have a lifetime to do all the things I want. I just have to live my life with  purpose every single day. 

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