

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

11 years have passed after that most doleful moment of my life yet I can still tell exactly what happened and what I was feeling that very night I lost him. Though there's nothing worse than losing someone you love, I can't just let myself stuck in that moment for the rest of my life. I have had to learn how to let go, to live and appreciate life.I know that's what he wants.

And although I'll never get to hear him laugh, see him draw, talk with him and celebrate birthdays with him again~I am still grateful. I am fortunate to spent 14 years of my life with him and I will be forever thankful to have grown up in a home with a father, to have had his guidance and love. I know that some do not get the chance to have a father in their lives. Some don't know who or where their fathers are. So I realized that even though God took him untimely from me, I'm still lucky and blessed cause I have had the best Daddy in the world and that I was able to share good memories with him. 

Growing up with him will always be one of my favorite memories. He's without a doubt my first love and I will never forget the time I spent with him. Though he's gone and things changed, memories remain and I will always hold ours close to my heart forever.

I am daddy's little girl~ always have been, always will be. I love him and I'll be forever proud to be his daughter. I know that he's still with me and all of our family in spirit and that he's watching over us.

Here's to celebrating your special day in heaven~Happy Father's Day Daddy! I love you and I miss you to the moon and back and back and back and back again. <3

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