

SuperMai needs to be Mai once in a while

Most days I'm superwoman but sometimes even my cape needs dry cleaning, my super power needs a rest and me--to take a load off. Keep calm and forget that 'Superwoman to do list'. Apparently, superheroes have bad days too, they get tired, they need a break and yes--they're allowed to vent their emotions and frustrations just like what you guys normally do. Yes they do. We do. I do. Even Superman has to be Clark Kent sometimes as SuperMai needs to be Mai (whenever I feel like it?). You should understand that I am also vulnerable and weak--there are times that I feel weak to even take my ass out of bed, brush my teeth and take a brisk walk. I also get pissed off at everyone and everything around me for no reasons at times. I do have mood swings too. More often than seldom, there are days that I don't feel like flying anywhere, saving life and even giving a hoot about what the f*ck is going on. Like the hell I care. I don't give a d*mn (pardon my french).

The thing is, I am actually not what you and I  think I am. I am no superwoman. I am no superMai. I am just a girl, lying in her bed asking for a good sleep. I am a contradiction of myself and it is effin confusing. Sometimes I wonder if which of me is my true self. Crazy! So just in case you're  and I am forgetting about the 'real me' being human, well let me remind you, I am and I do have needs, dreams, problems and a life of my own to deal with. Forget saving the world! I am giving myself permission to have an off  and be me for now. Forget the cape, the superpower, the to do list. Forget the responsibility, the pressure to do them all and the belief  I could. Forget the weight of the world, feel free, be carefree and break away. Guess I need to take the pressure off me to perform at 'super' once in a while because this is what I need to survive--and yes to stay sane. 

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