

10 Ways You’re Still Being Immature and NOT a Real Man

Boredom got me like.. a little sentimental. I miss home but I don't want to be back yet because that means 'hello reality again'. I am not yet satisfied with my vacation and I still want more. Or let just say I am not ready yet to be back on duty. No,Mai doesn't feel like being SuperMai just yet.I am still enjoying my so called freedom and me time. My vacation so far, taught me a lot of things and gave me tons of realization bout life and what I have been missing. I miss Daddy.I miss home, with home I mean, the life I used to have when I was little. Me, Daddy, Mommy and my sisters. That was perfect. Everything was fine.Just like the way I always wanted. Our little home. Our little haven. And how I wish I could have one someday. Err, senti feels.And now, just by seeing Ian's dad at home doing chores makes me wonder how it feels like to have Daddy around. I just miss him. If you are reading my previous entries you probably know that I am a Daddy's girl and I am really proud of my dad. Why not? he's the best Daddy ever. I haven't met anyone like him, not even close. My Dad is the epitome of perfection, I am not saying this because he's my Dad but because he really was. I just feel so sad that he didn't have enough time to show the world how every Dad should be like. If every Dad would be like him, there will be less lonely/ miserable women and children in the universe. So girls, before you commit in any relationship, make sure that you are with a 'real man' to avoid hell of a life. And how would you know one? Don't worry, I got it covered. I googled some info here for you to read. And as for you 'boys' care to find out if you're man enough?!

10 Ways You’re Still Being Immature and NOT a Real Man

1. Not Accepting Responsibility
2. Not Dealing With Conflict, Friction, or Circumstances Effectively
3. Caring About What People Think
4. Not Attempting To Keep A Good Reputation or Image
5. Kissing People’s Asses and Seeking Approval
6. Acting Overly Macho and Faking Being A Real Man
7. Lacking Respect For Yourself and Others
8. Lacking High Standards
9. Not Carrying Yourself Well

and last but the least.., I highlighted it because just like the writer of this post, I also find this one very big and important. The boyfriend could pass everything but this one..and I want him to work on it. I can see he is trying but more often than not he tends to forget, so I am writing this as a reminder, not just for him but for the other guys out there. I know boys will be boys but errrr, doesn't it feel so good to be a real man--you think?

10. Lacking Self-Discipline and Self-Control

I saved the best for last because this is a big one. Immature guys who are still boys lack self-discipline and self-control. Immature guys only want to do the fun stuff and not the hard stuff. They’re not able to discipline themselves enough to get the results they want.

Self-control and self-discipline. They’re not able to tell themselves “no” or make themselves do something that may not be fun, but it will be beneficial – like working out, going to bed on time, getting up earlier, saving money, eating right, and straightening up their life.

They’re not able to control themselves and they lack the ability to stop when enough is enough – like gambling, drinking, partying, slacking off, eating, playing video games, watching tv, etc.

Real men are all about self-discipline and self-control.

They know how to say “no” to themselves and they do the things that are necessary for their life. They do the things that aren’t as much fun but will improve their life – like working out, going to bed on time, getting up earlier, saving money, eating right, etc.

They’re able to limit their actions and control themselves when it comes to gambling, drinking, partying, eating, etc. They know their limit.

They don’t screw up their lives and fall victim to a lack of self-control like immature guys who are still boys do.

They’re disciplined and in control of themselves. Better yet, they’re in control of their life and everything in it. They’re in control of the direction their life is headed. You should be as well.

Bonus: Real Men Go After and Get What They Want In Life

Immature guys who are still boys sit around and dream, wish, and hope about how their life might turn out. They imagine themselves having or doing what it is they really want, BUT THEY NEVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

They talk about it and say, “It sure would be nice” but they don’t take any steps in the right direction.

Real men don’t have the time to dream, wish, and hope because they’re out there making it happen! Every. Single. Day!

Real men go after and get what they want. Whether it’s a job, career, car, house, woman, etc.

If it’s something they want bad enough and it’s worth getting, they get up off their lazy ass and make it happen!

They figure out what they have to do, put a plan in place, execute the plan, and get what it is they want.

A REAL MAN STOPS AT NOTHING to have the life he wants and DESERVES.

So if you’re sitting around on your ass day in and day out saying “that sure would be nice” while watching TV, playing video games, and doing other low-value activities, it’s time for stuff to come to a halt. Figure out what you want. Make a plan on how you’re going to get it. Execute the plan. Get what you want.

There’s too many old guys today, WHO WERE JUST LIKE YOU, saying, “I wish I would have” instead of being able to say “I’m glad I got off my ass and made some shit happen for myself.”

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