

DISCOVERING DAVAO-Day 4: Malagos Garden Resort

Day 4 (March 18,2016)

Next stop that day was Malagos Garden Resort located in Barangay Malagos, Calinan, Davao City--just 10 minutes or less away (by Habal-habal) from Philippine Eagle Center (check my previous post on how to get there here). Fare is only 10php. It is a 12 hectare nature theme garden that  houses a landscaped garden of assorted tropical plants, century-old Durian and other fruit bearing trees, rare collections of indigenous Philippine flora and fauna, rare orchids, palms and other native ornamental plants; a Bird Park, a Butterfly Sanctuary; and a host of other wildlife species. Unfotunately, it was under renovation when we went there and most parts of the resort were closed so we just paid 50php instead of 100php (80php for kids). Though we didn't get to see some parts and experience most of the activities they offer, it was still a good tour. The place was awesome, definitely a must visit and a perfect place for many who want to escape the congestion of the City. We'll surely go back to experience eveything we've missed. For now check out some of the photos I took.

Breakdown of expenses (Malagos Garden Resort) food excluded

Habal-habal (from Philippine Eagle Center): 10php x 2= 20php
Entrance: 50php x 2= 100php

Total: 120 php

We were so lucky we got a free ride going back to Calinan. We were waiting for a tricycle, when kuya and his family saw us waiting and offered us a ride. They're super  nice, they even went back to get my cap when the wind blew it off. I was telling them, no it's ok..but they said let's go back 'sayang'. I was so touched and enormously grateful. Offering us a ride and getting my cap back proved that there's still good samaritan these days. Hurrah to that! Oh well, that's all for now, our last stop that day was Eden Nature Park and it's coming up next so watch out for it peepz!

For more info check their website here

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