

Birthday Blues

I know I have been neglecting this blog for months now and here I am~back, with my rants and frustrations. What an odd way to start writing again huh!? I know. It's just that my mood swings are out of this world the last few weeks and I don't even know how to deal with it so I just feel the need to write about it. I don't know if it's birthday blues or what--or maybe it is. You know it's my birthday month and that only means that I'll be turning 30 this month and it makes me feel a little depressed. It reminds me of all the things I haven't accomplished and all the things I am lacking. I had always thought that when I turned 30, I would be married with kids, living in my own home or I would be  abroad~ studied fashion design and starting up a fashion career. Instead, a decade after~I am still at the same place as I was ten years ago. I have been working my ass off, been busy building others dream while mine have had to take a back seat. It's been ten years, what happened to that vision board? I feel the loss of all that time. Where did a decade go?

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