

GIRLBOSS: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

There are so many things that I love doing but more often than not I spend most of my free time watching tv series. It may sound lazy but seriously, you have to believe me it's therapeutic. It keeps me sane. When I watch, I can totally turn off the world around me and get completely sucked into whatever it is that I am watching. It's a total escape for my brain. It's great feeling, trust me. Thank goodness there's Netflix. Netflix will just  dump the entire season all at once and voila, you can binge watch all you want. All day, all night. And speaking of binge watching, I binge-watched 13 Reasons Why a few weeks ago and it was so great but disturbing at the same time. And as much as I love to blog about it, I just feel that it isn't my story to tell, so if you guys are interested and you need help you can check this link to get more info about it. I couldn't really stop thinking about Hannah Baker, so after finishing the series I looked for another series to watch that will help me forget her, good thing Netflix released GirlBoss the next month and I so love it. It excites me and and motivates me to start doing things I like. It reminds of the things I have been neglecting. It inspires me. I really love it when inspiration kicks me. Who wouldn't anyway? After all, we all need a little inspiration to keep us on track and to keep us going but sometimes inspiration is just so damn difficult to find. Too difficult that you just want to give up, let go of your dreams and just live life without purpose. You feel like you're stuck in a tiny bubble with no direction, just floating and waiting to vanish in the air. You have no where to go. Just like a stagnant water. A motionless murky puddle of water. I should know. I'd been there so many times. I am dreamer. I dream big. My Daddy told when I was little that I am special and I am capable of anything. That I can be whatever it is that I want to be. And I believe him. But there were days that I felt like it wasn't real. There were days that I felt like I failed him. That I wasn't capable of anything. That I couldn't be whatever it is that I want to be. I guess that's life. It's cruel. It's not always about unicorns and fairy tales. It's life. And no matter how tough you are it will hit you and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it. But the good thing is, you always have a choice to get up and fight for what you're worth. Keep moving forward and win. It doesn't matter how long will it takes for as long as you're moving. Always remember that every little step (no matter how little) is a step closer to your dreams. Take chances. Take the risk. Accept challenges. Accept failures and learn from it. Get out of your comfort zone. Get better. Do what you love. Do what makes you happy. Be inspired. Be an inspiration. Live life the way you want. It's your life after all, be your own boss. Just like what Sophia did. My gosh, my introduction is so long but all I just wanted to tell you guys is I love GIRLBOSS and I am going to blog about it. I have been reading a lot of reviews about it and while others are hating it, let me tell you guys why I love it.

GirlBoss is a Netflix original series consist of 13 episodes and was released April 21, 2017. Inspired by Sophia Amoruso's best-selling book. This series follows the rise of Amoruso's multi-million dollar fashion empire, Nasty Gal. And here are the 6 Reasons Why I love GirlBoss.

(First) just like Sophia, I love fashion. I want to be my own boss and just like her I am dreaming of having my own fashion empire in the near future. And watching it gives me tons of realization about me and my dreams. It inspires me to keep dreaming. Stay focused, go after my dreams and keep moving toward my goals. It won't be easy but it will be worth it.

(Second) I love Britt Robertson. She's so pretty and talented and has played all sorts of characters from quirky and sweet, to those with a harder edge. In the series, she plays the starring role of Sophia, a rebellious, broke anarchist who decides to start selling vintage clothing online. Brit really did a great job portraying nasty Sophia. Sophia really is something, I hate and I like her at the same time. LOLS.

(Third) I love her friendship with Annie, her bff played by Ellie Reed. I love how they care for each other and  how much they love and inspire each other and yes, I love the 'I love you in case I die' thing they tell each other when saying goodbye. I totally cried when they had a falling out and then realize how much they love and need each other. Definitely bff goals. Made me miss my bffs. I can never really imagine life without them.

(Fourth) I love Sophia's creativity. The way she alter clothes. How she re purpose old clothing's into entirely new ones is amazing. I see myself in her. We actually have lots of things in common, including our love of thrift stores and altering clothes. My love for thrift stores run so deep that I would rather spend long hours browsing through racks and racks of old and used stuff than shop in the mall. Alter them and called my own. That feeling, so fulfilling.

(Fifth) I love the outfits Sophia and Annie wore in the series. So stylish yet look so comfy and cool. I love dressing up, it  actually boost my mood and overall confidence. I love mixing and matching old and used fashion pieces. Dressing up doesn't really need to be expensive, it doesn't require you to have a closet full of branded and expensive clothes. It's all about expressing yourself, being you and your style and be comfortable with it. You don't dress up to impress and please other people, you dress up to please yourself and to feel great. And besides, life is too short to wear boring clothes.

(Lastly) I love how the show empower women, the title speaks for itself. Sophia is without a doubt an example of an empowered woman. She knows who she is, what she wants and isn't afraid to go and get it. She takes full responsibility for her life. She makes her own rules. She values her passion. She takes a stand and most of all, she empowers other women. She is an inspiration to us. If she can achieved her dreams why can't we?

So DREAM BIG. Big dreams are the reasons why the world changes for the better. BELIEVE. When you believe in yourself, other people believe in you, too. WORK ON IT. Because dreams don't work unless you do. Everything is not as easy as it seems but nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it and keep a positive mindset. Don't be afraid to fail because failure isn't a bad thing, it's essential to learning. Never give up. When the going gets tough, keep on going. Keep moving forward and keep pursuing your dreams. Eventually, you'll get there. It's exhausting and draining but the rewards are well worth it all.

So there you go people. I hope you like the post and somehow it helps and inspires you to dream big. And if you haven't seen the show, it's out now and you can binge-watch all the episode from the first season online. Watch and be inspired to follow your dream and to never give up. After all, a DREAM is a wish your heart makes. Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving if you keep on believing- the dream that you wish will come true. (I just so love this song). So yeah, just DREAM, BELIEVE and WORK ON IT like a GIRLBOSS.

ctto: All photos from Google.

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