


It's been a while since I had my last #TheSundayCurrently post, I feel really bad for not updating this blog as much as I want to. I don't really have reasons, it's just that more often than not I feel sluggish and I feel like I don't really have anything to share cause nothing really exciting is happening in my life. Or maybe there are but I am just too lazy. I know. I know. I'm trying guys.


If you are reading my previous post, you knew that I have been spending most of my down time watching tv series and Kdramas--that means, I  may not have read a book since my last Sunday Currently post. Or maybe I did, I read a bit of 50 Shades of Freed then stopped halfway through cause I got destructed and yeah, lazy. I feel really guilty though about not reading a book because I am just too lazy and I am too lazy to do anything about it.

I really want to deal with my inconsistency better--whether it's about reading, sketching or writing, for this has been a constant problem for me. So now that I've got some inspiration to finally write again, I really wanted to build a strong writing habit and to do that, first--I have to be fully committed. And being committed means writing at least The Sunday currently on a weekly basis. Ok, I'll try. I'm writing my 4th now.

Dutifully listening to my student while she's reading an article. Multitasking at its finest cause time is everything and more.  Lols.

Lunch. It's half past one and I am still here having classes. I am really starving and I can't stop thinking about food. I really can't wait to finish these classes and devour my much-anticipated lunch or whatever it is the boyfriend is cooking.

Fried hotdogs and tuna. Obviously because the boyfriend is frying hotdogs and opened a can of tuna for lunch. Just the smell makes me even more hungry, I don't care if I'm having breakfast food for lunch (cause that's the easiest food the boyfriend can prepare) all I care is that I am fvckin' hungry--I could even eat a horse!

Of having a work-free weekend. I just wish I could unplugged into work on weekends but I couldn't. I mean I could but I just won't. I'm crazy. I know. It’s often a pressure that I'm putting on myself, not necessarily something that I must really do. Argh, I should really work on that. I should make my weekend free time a priority.

I just hope I could have a worry-free, nice and relaxing weekend.

Striped tank top and comfy yellow short-shorts. I'm still in my sleep wear so obviously I haven't taken a shower yet. It's my most fave working-from-home perk. Lols.

The feeling of  having something to look forward to. I don't want to tell you guys yet cause I am still working and planning on it and I don't want to jinx it. If everything goes well, I promised, you'll be the first to know.

To finish all these classes and give myself some free time not to think about anything, including work.

As much as I am feeling inspired right now, still-- I am  in desperate need of more inspiration--to write, read and design. So if you have a secret to inspiration that will forever keep me inspired to do the things I want to do, PLEASE do let me know. I know that some people just find lack of inspiration as an excuse for laziness (I do too) nevertheless, it's helpful to get things done, works for me all the time. Sometimes, we all need a little inspiration after all.

I'm feeling inspired and I hope it will stay that way. So, I am really trying my best here to be consistent. I don't want to wake up the next morning extremely unmotivated again. Not again, not ever. I finally get to start writing again and I hope soon, I get to do all the things I wanted too. No more excuses. Just get them done. Pablo Picasso once said, "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." it's a great creed to live by, so I gotta live with it.

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