

Hair Peg: Curly Auburn Locks

As mentioned previously (in line to my 'spicing-up my life project') I'll be turning this blog more into a fashion kind of blog (so just to keep all the negative energy away,--though I will blog random stuff  and happenings bout mai-life still--those kind of emo-writings and all) and will start blogging outfit post and stuff bout fashion, beauty and all that 'kikay'--mai--way real soon. So just to start that quite sudden changeover--I'll be sharing a bit of what I'm up to. Just so you know-- I've been wanting to dye and perm my hair for years now but I am just too chicken to give it a try,  I'm such a fraidy-cat, I know. But this time is different--I'm totally on it-- since I've been really-really bored and been wanting to get away from my traditional straight--black hair. Hell yes! I'm finally giving my hair a much deserve treat *excited*.And since I've been thinking of things to do to spice up my life-- having a major makeover could be #1 on my to-do list--I guess.

Ok, here we go--Basically I want to treat my hair with a bit of respect and of course I'm quite worried if what will be the out come--(I'm afraid I'll hate it- lol). So I want to be more careful in deciding of what color to choose--brunette or blonde? Oh my gosh! I really don't know what will work for me so again I googled some tips and photos bout hair colors. Luckily I bumped into these lovely photos--and to tell you, I fell in love with the color and style right away. This is exactly what I have in mind--Big-sexy curls--Auburn hair (the just woke up--di nag suklay yet dyosa look)--perfect!

Ta-da!   Just a whiff of my new peg.

Baifern Pimchanok aka Nam is such a goddess--super bet! I super love this girl--if you watched Crazy Little Thing Called Love--then you know why. I'm such a 'feeler', I know but seriously I like it a lot and really want my locks like this. Do you think I can pull this off? Well, will see--I'll keep you guys posted. Wish me luck!

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