

Sugar and spice and everything nice

I hate it when I have nothing to blog because there's nothing new or exciting happening to my life. Lately my life has been quite a humdrum--and I am seriously getting sick and tired of my so moth-eaten routine. Feels like I have boxed myself at home and at work and that's too awful--I want to do something to spice up my stagnate life. I guess it's time for me to take the rudder of the ship into a better part of the ocean before I totally get myself stuck in the middle of nowhere. 

And with that being said-- I am now  thinking of doing something I love. I am planning of turning this blog into a fashion blog (what do you guys think?), well why not?. I'd been wanting to do outfit shot again--it's been way too long since I had the last one. And like what I said on my previous post I'll be having it back real soon--so watch out guys. Weeeeh! I got too excited--can't wait!

For now--here are some tips I googled to help you spice up your lack-luster life--check this out!


1. Be spontaneous.

Seize opportunities to do something interesting. For example; when a friend invites you for a drink or to the movies—don’t make excuses. Simply, say yes and go. Don’t turn down invitations to socialize when you know you have nothing better to do.

2. Visit a new place.

It’s a shame to not have gone anywhere else besides your little hometown; or seen anything else outside of your community. C’mon, there is so much to see. Drive, get on a bus or train and go see the world!

3. Do the unusual.

Do something you have always wanted to do but never made time for. Go hiking, camping, kayaking, run the marathon, go to the museum, attend a concert, visit an old friend or do some volunteer work.

4. Plan a “spice up my life day” and commit to it.

Mark the date on your calendar for a special vacation, trip or activity. Submit your official vacation day leave request today. Invite your friends to do the same. The more the merrier! Start planning for your special day, visualize yourself having fun and get in the mood to party!

5. “Tune up” your attitude.

Give up the “I don’t do this and I don’t do that” attitude. Be willing to participate in new activities and to embrace new experiences. Stop being uptight, be open-minded, let loose and have fun. You will be pleasantly surprised at what the right attitude can do for you!

6. Be fully present and in the moment.

What’s the point of going on vacation and then spending your vacation time thinking about work, bills and other stressful issues? You can’t really spice up your life if you are physically present and mentally absent. To enjoy yourself, be fully engaged in the moment— body, soul and spirit.

7. Leave your hang-ups at home.

When spending time with your friends…don’t let your pessimist outlook and woe is me stories ruin the day. Remember that your friends are there to enrich your life and not to baby sit you. So, during this special time leave you high maintenance behavior at home, be a joy to others and have fun!

8. Change your environment.

Introduce inspiring elements into your surroundings. Change your furniture, paint your walls a different color, get some potted house plants, a fish tank or even a pet.

9. Make new friends or foster existing relationships.

Technology has made it possible to connect with people faster and easily. Make friends with people from different cultures and learn something new. Contact a long lost friend and make plans to meet and catch up. Better yet, pay a surprise visit to a relative you haven’t seen in a while.

10. Be creative

Opportunities present themselves in the most unlikely ways. Ask yourself, “What can I do right now, this week, this weekend…to spice up my life?” Think outside the box.


So what are we all waiting for?  Check out the real world and see what life has in store for us--don't be afraid to explore, don't stop seeking, inspire other people and live life like there's no tomorrow!

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