

12-12-12: Greek Goddess Inspired Wedding Dresses

Like other repeating dates 12-12-12 is also said to be a good date to get married--they said it's auspicious and lucky. I read the news about thousands of couples tied the knot today  to get good luck or rather to get hold of each other before the world ends--I guess--haha. But seriously, I remember myself wanting to have 12-12-12 wedding date too, I even told Mikel, my boyfriend bout that. I asked him to marry me before doomsday and he said yes! Ok, obviously we kid. As much as we want to get married today, we definitely can't--why? it's because  we're both physically, mentally, emotionally and financially not yet ready--lol. Well, we all know that getting married is not something we can just have in an instant. It takes time, preparation and money--off course. So while waiting for that most precious moment of mine, I'll just give you guys a whiff of my prospective wedding dress (saveh?).

I always want to have a Greek-Goddess inspired wedding dress for my wedding--that effortless--light and--flowy kind (very Aphrodite lang ang peg)--like the photos I posted on tumblr (click here) and my recently 'a find' dresses:

I maybe going a bridge too far but yeah--I'm just being a girl scout here. At least I already have ideas in stored and won't be cramming on my wedding prep (thanks to google anyways)--I'll just keep them here for my future reference. Am I way too excited aren't I?

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