

Shoe Closet: Modern day Imeldas

Marilyn Monroe once said “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world”, so the more right pairs you have the more chances you get to conquer the world--lol, I kid. But seriously I really don't care conquering the world, all I know is that I'm addicted to shoes in the most weirdest way. As a matter of fact--I've self-diagnosed myself of having 'OSD' Obsessive Shoe Disorder (ansaveh?) haha. I don't know but I just love shoes like I love blogging (it's a girl thing--you know). I love looking at shoes--trying them on and off course buying if my so tight budget would ever allow me. I'm no Imelda Marcos and I am yet far enough of having thousand of shoes--I only have a few pairs to boast but I feel like heaven whenever I look at them. So can you just imagine the joy it will bring if I like have tons of shoes? Oh--I wish!

Yes, I dream a dream and I always dream of having a shoe collection and perhaps a huge shoe closet but what like I've said that has yet to happen--maybe in the very near future *keeping my fingers crossed*. So for now I'll just be happy browsing photos over the Internet--in which I indulge most of my breathing spell. Torture as it may seem but I allude myself as a green-eyed monster by posting and sharing some of my most envied shoe collection/ closet. Here you go!

Mariah Carey's

Christina Aguilera's 

Jessica Alba's

Khloe Kardashian's


Nicky Hilton's


and as for non-celebrity here are some fab shoe collection/closet I googled. I'm making you guys die-of-jelousy--lol! Look who's talking?! I, myself too is dying.

Omg! These shoes are to die for--I better stop now before I die of envy. I blame the fx driver for dropping me off on the other side of the street this afternoon--I got to see those numerous shoe thrift stores--which triggers my OSD that made me do this post *sigh*. On the lighter note, I know one day I'll have one of my own--it may not be as lavish as the photos above but I sure am gonna have one. Let me make room for envy  now so that one day, the closet I admire most is mine (wow!)--after all, a girl can always dream and drool--lol!

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