

I will miss you Ian Goddess aka Britney B*tch!

I guess nobody will protest if I say that Ian is the coolest person on earth, I would like to believe that he’s/she’s/it (confusing!) really a human and not a Goddess sent from heaven to somehow enlighten and touch my life. Ian is the epitome of goodness-calmness-and beauty inside and out, the smartest yet the humblest person alive. I learnt lots of things from him/her/it and everyday I/we spend with him/her/it feels like I’m/we’re getting closer to Godliness (ansabe? partial chos) lols. The Optimist Prime that will keep all the Negatrons away, to sum it up. Thank you for inspiring me/us to do good and to be good no matter how bad others can be, for keeping me/us cool no matter how intense the situation may be, for sharing me/us the goodness in you, for being our savior and for lending me/us your helping hands in times we need it the most and for being our extra-ordinary-friend (bilang ikaw si Budoy) super thank you. I love you Goddess Ian. You already!  

I/we will surely miss you Britney bitch! You take care always. Goodluck! See you soon. :)

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