

My Daekyo Family early birthday treat!

My Daekyo family gave me an early surprise party at the office last Friday. So here's what happened in photos.

my yummy sandwiches!

got sweet presents from Ms Jen and Teacher Lj. <3

Lea, Ms. Mayeth, Me, Teh Dah,  and Alice

T. Flo, Barty, Me, T. Lj and T. Leslie

Ms Jen and I

Von, Ms. Renee, Me and Coach~thanks coach for this! 

T. Cindy, Tin, Me, Ms Jen, Leizel, T.Arlene and T. Noel

Lea, Ms Mayeth, Mj, Me, Teh Dah, Alice and April

Cadee, Teh Dah and me

Twas actually a happy and sad party cause Cadee is leaving us soon. But anyways, I really had a good time guys, thank you so much for remembering my birthday and for making it extra special. I love you all! <3

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