

Mai Birthday 2013!

Since Ian is leaving for China soon I decided to celebrate my birthday with him. So after work my bebes, the boyfriend and I went to his crib. Here's the ganaps (in photos).

Purple flowers and cake from the boyfriend! Isn't the sweet boyfriend the sweetest?

I love you boyfriend, you are the best! Thank you for the surprise. You never failed to make me happy. Hugs!

Bebe Lala and the Ian aka Britney Bithc!


my foodie and I :)

Of course have to take a photo with the queen becks, I'm missing you already badler :( You take care there ok?! I love you!

My bebes, Krizel, Shane, Lala and Tsang Emily, sadly Bim and Kat wasn't there.


my purple cake and I <3

here's another birthday gift from my bebes, a photo shoot! yay!

Shane doing her thing like a pro!

I feel like a celebrity having my own make up artist~lols!

we're serious guys!

CREDITS: All photos taken by Ian and Shane

So this is the perk of having a bunch of talented friends. Watch out for my photo shoot guys, I'll be posting the photos soon. For now, let me thank my friends for the wonderful birthday celebration, you're the best guys. Also thanks a lot to my Mikel for making my birthday always special in his own little way. And of course God, thank you for another year, for the wonderful life and for the lovely people to share it with. I couldn't ask for more. I'm the happiest! Endless thank you to YOU. <3

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