

The 85th Academy Awards : The Nominees

The 85th Academy Awards  also known as The Oscars is happening this February 24th ( the day after my birthday-yay) and yes I am excited as you guys are, not because of the winners but actually because of the red carpet-lol! Still, I wonder who will bring home the awards though. I have seen Les Miserables and Silver Linings Playbook and I can say that they're really great and deserving to win but I'm trying not to be bias here ok, I'm planning to watch the rest of the movies nominated this year to see it for myself. And speaking of the nominees, I got them all here guys! So if you wanna know check this out!

Best Picture

Best Actor

 Hugh Jackman 
Les Misérables

 Bradley Cooper 
   Silver Linings Playbook

 Denzel Washington 

Joaquin Phoenix 
The Master

Daniel Day-Lewis 

Best Actress 

 Quvenzhané Wallis 
Beasts of the Southern Wild

Emmanuelle Riva

 Jennifer Lawrence 
 Silver Linings Playbook

Naomi Watts 
The Impossible

Jessica Chastain 
Zero Dark Thirty

Best Supporting Actress

Amy Adams-The Master

Sally Field-Lincoln

Anne Hathaway-Les Misérables

Helen Hunt-The Sessions

Jacki Weaver-Silver Linings Playbook

Best Supporting Actor

Alan Arkin-Argo

Robert De Niro-Silver Linings Playbook

Philip Seymour Hoffman-The Master

Tommy Lee Jones-Lincoln

Christoph Waltz-Django Unchained

For the rest of the nominees kindly check  THE OSCARS SITE.  

There you have it guys! You can now choose your pick and just in case you haven't seen any of the movies above, well, I suggest you better do. Bet the stars are now religiously praying while keeping their fingers crossed. The Oscars is one of the most prominent award ceremonies in the world so who wouldn't want to bring home one anyway? Having an Oscars mean $$$$$$$$ for the stars, films and studios but of course nothing beats the recognition, the honor and the taste of glory they can have, that's priceless right?! So who ever wins big this year hats off in advance! Goodluck!

credits: photos from google/wikipedia/the Oscar

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