

The Day before my birthday!

Few more hours to go and it’s gonna be my birthday and yes, I’ll be getting a year older again yay! Last day of being 18-lols! I actually don’t celebrate my birthday that bongga ever since nmn so I really don't have any plans for tomorrow. Maybe I'll just go to my sissy's house and play with Maxx and Saav since Mikel needs to work, then we'll have a simple dinner together (bahala na si batman).

But even though I don't usually throw parties, birthdays are special to me and even if I’m no longer a child where parties, clowns and balloons matter, I am still excited for every birthdays that will come my way. An added year in my life is a blessing and a great opportunity to enjoy life and the things God has given me. Just like every year, I’ll just share my special day with my family, co workers, friends and the boyfriend. Just think about the things happened to me the previous years and reflect, thank God for all the blessings and make another birthday resolutions~(hope to be able to do them though-LOL).

Hopefully this year, I’ll get better, better than what I think better is~ I’ll try, no I’ll be, yes I’ll surely be (keeping my fingers crossed). Anyways, I am happy with my life now, yes, it's not perfect but still things are definitely going smoothly for me. I have a wonderful family, I have work, I have beautiful work mates and friends  and I have Michael, what else would I ask for? Nothing. I just want to be more productive this year and hope God will continuously pour his grace upon me. I honestly want to be the Mai my Mommy and Daddy want me to be and I think each year gives me room for improvement naman so I’m close to that, I Know. I hope.

So here's my way of thanking everyone who made my year worth living. Showing you guys some photos of my big day last year. Here you go!

Thank you to my Seokwang family for this surprise purple birthday party you gave me (i so love you for coming to work in purple cause you know guys that's my fave color). It was like a Barney birthday party but I love you all guys and I miss you. Hope to see you all soon.

So then, let’s all welcome my big day~let see what a whole new journey it will bring and come’on and join me, it maybe another  roller coaster ride but It’ll surely be another fruitful year for me and I know a lot of good things are bound to come~HAPPY BIRTH DAY to me! yay! :)

Also, Happy Birthday to my only brother POTPOT! It's his birthday today. I love you  kiddo, stay smart! And can just say that I got an early birthday surprise today from my Daekyo team. I'll be posting bout that next. Happy me!

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