

Close Up Summer Solstice 2013!

It's always been my dream to go to Coachella, an annual three-day music and arts festival held at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California in the Inland Empire's Coachella Valley. But as you can see, attending Coachella means travelling a thousand miles and spending a million bucks~so that's quite far from reality, atleast for now. Ok, I'm not losing hope, maybe, just maybe one day (keeping my fingers crossed) I can make it happen. I'll get right on it!

So while I'm planning and dreaming and before someone get to burst my bubbles for my much awaited Coachella experience, let me just enjoy the fact that I need not to travel miles away and splurge just to attend a music festival. I'm happy to let you guys know (just in case you didn't know yet) that Close up is bringing Coachella to the Philippines!, Wow! how's that?! can you believe it? No?! Ok, I kid and how I wish lols. But seriously guys you gotta mark your calendar this April for this gigantic event as Close Up introduces Summer Solstice 2013! This is a 12-hour non-stop music festival that will feature both international and local artists yay! Who needs to go to Coachella anyway, if you can have it here just a subway away?! Oh my! I'm now excited and I just can't wait for my Coachella~like fashion pegs for the event, which I'll be posting next. Watch out!

For more info check out the poster above and visit their website here.


Saav turns 1 today!

This is Saav's very first photo. Took this same date last year. Yes guys you're right, it's our baby Saav's 1st birthday today. Time flies really fast I know. Happy 1st birthday my baby love. I'm sorry if I can't make it to your party, tita Mai needs to work. Don't worry I'll make it up to you  this weekend. Hope you like the shoes and the dress that Tito Mikel and I bought for you. We love you so much.


Mai at Saav's baptism!

This is what I wore last Sunday for Saav's baptism. I'll be sharing the photos as soon as I got them all uploaded. For now just check this out. lols!

hope you like it guys! Happy Friday!  :)


Happy 39th UbeKeso day!

Kung inaakala mo ang pag-ibig ko’y magbabago
Itaga mo sa bato dumaan man ang maraming pasko,
Kahit na kumulubot ang balat, Kahit na hirap ka nang dumilat
Kahit na di mo na abot ang sahig, Kahit na di mo na ako marinig
Ikaw parin ang BUhay KO.

Happy 39th UbeKeso Day BUKO! I see u.

High School life : A trip down memory lane

I know it's a month late. I almost forgot about this , good thing I checked  my picasa albums and found the photos. Sorry, my bad. I'm really forgetful (sign of aging maybe? haha). But anyhoo, like what I always say~and I'll say it again, better late than never so check out the photos I took from our Alumni homecoming last February 16 and join me as I take a trip down memory lane through these photos. I know it's hard to narrow down special memories and this space wouldn't be enough as you guys know High school life is definitely one of the most memorable chapter of our lives. I know you guys had your own  fair share of  experiences as I had my own and today let me share it with you.

The biggest school quadrangle I'd ever been in high school.

The favorite 'tambayan' before and after our P.E/Health class.

 Another favorite 'tambayan' the corridor, where we usually do our homework and have some chit-chats on the side.

So this is Manuel Araullo, say hello guys!

The school history.

The stage.

 The garden.

The principal's office. 

The school quadrangle that got even bigger! 

 So sorry for the poor quality, I just used my phone camera but don't worry guys here are the better ones. Grabbed them from our friends/classmates Emon and Ceasar.

2nd year classmates.

Michael and I were classmates in 2nd year and just fell in love 6 years after graduation. Can you imagine that?! yay!

The Science building and the cafeteria.

Proud to be an Araullian!

It was so nice to be back there and see old faces after 9 years. Time flies really fast, it was so nostalgic and can I just say how much I miss everything about my high school life and how I wish we can time travel back then. Great memories! Cheers batch 2004! It will be our 10th year next year so we will be the host by then, till next year guys!


Colorful and cute nail arts for summer!

I so love getting my nails done, I don't know but I just feel so damn beautiful whenever I have pretty nails. Well, girls will always be girls and I know you guys know what I mean. Anyway, I wanna show you some of my fave nail arts, no, they're not mine ( how I wish) haha. But honestly, I always want to make my own designs. Unfortunately though, I don't have the patience so I always ended up having my nails done in a salon. I'm such a lazy ass I know. Ok~kk just check this out!

Oh my g! They're awesome right?! Very colorful just in time for summer~yay! I want mine to look like these cutie-patootsie nails. Gotta work on that, have to master the art of patience~haha. Maybe, just maybe one day. Who knows?! :)

photos from tumblr