

Colorful and cute nail arts for summer!

I so love getting my nails done, I don't know but I just feel so damn beautiful whenever I have pretty nails. Well, girls will always be girls and I know you guys know what I mean. Anyway, I wanna show you some of my fave nail arts, no, they're not mine ( how I wish) haha. But honestly, I always want to make my own designs. Unfortunately though, I don't have the patience so I always ended up having my nails done in a salon. I'm such a lazy ass I know. Ok~kk just check this out!

Oh my g! They're awesome right?! Very colorful just in time for summer~yay! I want mine to look like these cutie-patootsie nails. Gotta work on that, have to master the art of patience~haha. Maybe, just maybe one day. Who knows?! :)

photos from tumblr

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