

High School life : A trip down memory lane

I know it's a month late. I almost forgot about this , good thing I checked  my picasa albums and found the photos. Sorry, my bad. I'm really forgetful (sign of aging maybe? haha). But anyhoo, like what I always say~and I'll say it again, better late than never so check out the photos I took from our Alumni homecoming last February 16 and join me as I take a trip down memory lane through these photos. I know it's hard to narrow down special memories and this space wouldn't be enough as you guys know High school life is definitely one of the most memorable chapter of our lives. I know you guys had your own  fair share of  experiences as I had my own and today let me share it with you.

The biggest school quadrangle I'd ever been in high school.

The favorite 'tambayan' before and after our P.E/Health class.

 Another favorite 'tambayan' the corridor, where we usually do our homework and have some chit-chats on the side.

So this is Manuel Araullo, say hello guys!

The school history.

The stage.

 The garden.

The principal's office. 

The school quadrangle that got even bigger! 

 So sorry for the poor quality, I just used my phone camera but don't worry guys here are the better ones. Grabbed them from our friends/classmates Emon and Ceasar.

2nd year classmates.

Michael and I were classmates in 2nd year and just fell in love 6 years after graduation. Can you imagine that?! yay!

The Science building and the cafeteria.

Proud to be an Araullian!

It was so nice to be back there and see old faces after 9 years. Time flies really fast, it was so nostalgic and can I just say how much I miss everything about my high school life and how I wish we can time travel back then. Great memories! Cheers batch 2004! It will be our 10th year next year so we will be the host by then, till next year guys!

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