

Baby Shower to Remember

Every BABY is a blessing and a gift from God. True. So Our office is having a BABY (ok two of our co teachers are) and not just one but two so this really calls for a C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-I-O-N. And I'm invited. Yey! 

 We want to wish Teacher Joy and Teacher Richel a good luck so we all agreed to throw a BABY SHOWER at the office last Friday.

Congratulations It's a GIRL! Oh the decors' so KIKAY (girly).

Weren't we prepared~were we?

Obligatory selfie~spot me. Lols

The gifts! The cutest diaper cake ever! 

Funny games!

Time for some sentimental messages and snacks.

The chocolate fountain was a sure box office.

The fruits and mallows. Yum!

Buko Pandan.

Cup cakes Cake. 

Lumpia my fave!

Candies. Sweet!

Oh Chips!

and Hotdogs. The food are so delish! Happy tummy :)

Twas really a blast. Congratulations Teacher Joy and Teacher Richel. We wish you and your babies Good health and safe delivery. Wonder who's next? Lols. Till next time Babies!

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