

From Mai to May: From Manila to Masbate

I know it's long overdue~it's been a week ago. Sawrey, ok Sawrey. Anyhoo, this was May's 2in1 celebration. Birthday and Farewell Celeb, though I find the later not a so good reason to celebrate. May is one of my closest buddies at the office. She's my very first friend to be exact so it was quite sad on my part to bid her goodbye. *Insert sad face here*. But like what we both agreed~we need to grow. We need to follow our dreams and what we really want~ so leaving is our only way to do so. It's a chance for us to expand our life and extend our wings. I know that what she did was right and that she's taking the right path. So as much as we want to stay and share more moments together we both know that we are just using the office as a temporary working place, until we found something more fulfilling to do with our life. And I guess she already found hers. And I'll find mine soon too. I really wish her good luck and I believe she's half way on achieving her dreams, for herself and for her family. I'll miss her, we'll miss her for real but what's modern technology for? We can still make 'chika' and hangout virtually if we have time~can't we? We can for sure. Madam Vicky and Ara and the rest of the gang will find ways you know that. Gosh, I'm getting too mushy now. I really hate parting ways but oh well, what can I do you're already in Masbate and there's no use for me to make 'drama' now. Hahaha.

Ok fine, set aside the drama and just enjoy the photos we took and the memories we made. The food we ate and the Chikas we shared.

Omygee, I'm already missing us. Can't imagine Madam Vicky and I lasted the week without you. Hahaha. You're the very first one who send us IP message every day. You're the one who always ask if what time we will eat.  Errrr. SepAnx. Separation Anxiety attacks. *sigh*. Vicky will feel that two times soon. Lols. Thank you much for the friendship~ that's surely for keeps. I know that you are happy and in a greener pasture now. I wish you all the best Madam and yes, I'll see you when I see you. I luh yah. God Bless.

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