

Short hair don't care!

I know very well that for us, woman~hair is a crown of glory, it gives us confidence and represents femininity and beauty. I've never been a fan of my hair cut short but as much as I love my long hair, there comes a time that I just want to look a little bare. Free my face from the curtain that surrounds it and let the world see me in three dimensions. I have maintained a long hair for ages and just recently I decided to chop it off a little shorter for a change. I was quite hesitant at first but I guess, it's time for me to bring back my free spirit and to welcome change. Without change, there's no  possibility for new things.

CoCo Chanel once said, a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life. True this. Because hair, for almost every woman represents what she thinks of herself. For a woman, a new hair style signifies a big change. New perspective. New goals. New you. It holds the secret to self-empowerment and freedom. So cheers for my shorter hair and to the big change coming my way this year!

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