

UbeKeso's Days of Future Past Date

Last weekend the boyfriend and I had our much deserve we time. We watched X-men: Days of Future Past. Yay! It's been a while since the last time we went out on a movie date. I think that was last year. That sucks. Really. Ok, we want to do a lot of things but we just have too little time and money lols. I mean, with all the bills and all, we really need to spend wisely. It's a pretty thing to do, I agree. But come'on guys~sometimes, I guess we all need a break right? We all need to loosen up a little. Oh well, time to reward ourselves after working and saving so real hard for the past few months. So here we go:

I really love the movie, I'd been waiting for this to come out since forever and finally I got to watch it. I wasn't really a fan of Marvel, not until I met the boyfriend. I am more of a RomCom junkie. But after seeing all the previous movies ~oh boy I fell in love with them. Though, this one is the best and my fave so far.  I love that they were able to give the movie a fairy-tale-kind of ending. Yes, that happily-ever-after-ending that no one needs to die.Oh, what a happy ending. Wasn't it the coolest ending ever? Hell yes! And of we went out the cinema with a big smile on our face. Yey!

We then went to try KyoCeon. Korea's best chicken according to my love~Lee Min Ho. I was excited and so hungry~I could eat a CHICKEN! 

Obligatory selfie with my forever love (sorry boyfriend) Kim Tan! Why are you so handsome?

That smile, oh that smile is yum!

Seriously? Ok, I love Lee Min Ho a lot and honestly if not because of him I would have backed out. I told you, we're on a tight budget and no way we'll shell out some bucks for a fried chicken. I love chicken, no doubt but I just think their price was too stiff for a 5 piece of chopped wings. I mean 2 wings cut in half plus another half to make it 5. Can you imagine that? Way too small to please a hungry tummy *sigh*.  I was advised by the crew but that was way too late, like after I placed my order and we're already on our table. Watduh~fine, I must admit~my bad, I should have asked her first. Lesson learned.

5piece chopped wings-149 php

Oh yes, the chicken doesn't include rice and drinks. We had to pay another 50php for a steamed rice and 40php for a fried rice. 70php for drinks. And that makes almost 300bucks for a set of chicken meal. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't ranting just budgeting lols. The chicken was good (we tried the original) though I still prefer BonChon. I love Bonchon, not just because their prices are budget friendly (you'll have a complete set of meal for less than 150 bucks) for me ~they have the best fried chicken in town. The best I have ever had.

Maybe, this will be the first and the last time we will dine here. I rather eat at Yabu and have my fave Katsu for the same price. That sounds great!  So sorry Lee Min Ho, I can't love Kyochon chicken a lot but I still love you.

Anyhoo, the boyfriend and I enjoyed our date. We really had a great time and we can't wait for our next date. Mean-while, here's some #ootdselfie taken in between window shopping. Lols!

Hope you guys enjoy my post (even though I was ranting a bit over a chicken) the same way the boyfriend and I enjoyed our 'we time'. Till next time! Happy weekend :)

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