
i met my younger self for coffee


i met my younger self for coffee today
it's almost our birthday
she's turning 20
i'm turning 38
she was late, as usual
i was early
she has long hair
mine's short
i had white top and trousers on
she wore tube top and denim skirt 
i'm wearing glasses
she's wearing braces

i looked at her as she walks towards me
she's so skinny
from afar she looks pretty fine
just her usual kikay self
strong, independent, perky
but if you'll look closely into her eyes
you'll see how unhappy she has been
she's moving on from someone she's never been with
she puts her dream in the backseat cause she needs to provide for our sisters
left her first job cause it got her sick
she's a nomad
she's worried, restless and exhausted
she's carrying the weight of the world in her shoulders
doing it all alone
no one to depend on but herself

i wanted to give her a tight hug but i didn't
so i just said hi, you look great
you look just exactly like me, except you gained a little weight she replied

so typical of her
beating herself up
i wanted to tell her we're at peace with ourselves now
but i just brushed it off

we had our caramel frappe and cheesecake
while we catch up
she asked a lot of questions but
i didn't want to spoil her of what's ahead for her 
i just told her that life won't be easy but
assured her too that it won't always be like this  
that we are going to be fine
that i am proud of her
that i won't be the woman i am now without her
that i am making our dreams come true
and that we are at our happiest now
we are being loved, living the life we always wanted
we now have a place we can call our home

we left the coffee shop and as i watched her go
i know she felt relieved
we won't meet again for 18 more years
but each day i know she'll be excited to
be the woman she'll become

inspired by a prompt from the book Deep in My Feels by @jennaececelia 😊

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