
DISCOVERING DAVAO-Day 2: D' Bone Collector Museum

'Time. We are born with a certain amount. We die when it runs out. Rich and poor it doesn't matter. You don't kill time, time kills you. Now is your most important time. What you do with your time will affect you eternally. Times up. Forever begins'. -Darrell Dean Blatchley

This quote caught my attention while everyone was so busy listening to Kuya, telling stories behind the bone collections. Makes sense, isn't it? In this world of uncertainty, we consider time precious. And what we do with our time can really affect our lives eternally. But the question is, what do we do to make our time wothwhile? What do we do to make our short time of life meaningful? The answer depends on whom you ask. It doesn't matter how and what, how little or big, just enough to make a difference.

Darrell Dean Blatchley, the president and the curator of the D' Bone Collector Museums make his time worthwhile doing what he loves and he's generous enough to share it with us. For him, there's more to an animal than just meat--equally important are the bones. With that being said, he founded a museum that intents to educate people through his large collection of bones, skulls and skeletons.

Each group that goes to the museum gets a tour about the animals found in each of the displays.
They opened the museum in 2012 and since then it became a popular tourist attraction in Davao City. Located at Family Circus Compound, Barangay 76-A in Bucana, just a walking distance from the Davao City Hall and the San Pedro Parish Church. The museum is open from Mondays to Fridays 10am-5pm and Saturdays 1pm-5pm. Entrance fee is P80 for adults and P70 for children and students. It features genuine bones from animals all over the world, touted to be the first of it's kind in the Philippines. But, it was not just a simple collection guys, there's more to that. It is Darrell's way of preserving the environment. He believes that bones are the remembrance of life existence and are ultimate learning tools. He said that, there's so much can still be learned upon death. It tells you the life of the animal; whether it had a good life (healthy bones) or a hard life (cracked and deformed bones). And aside from that it aims to raise awareness and educate the people in saving the environment. Amazing, isn't it?! Michael and I learnt a lot of things about the animals. Too many AHA! momments for us. I was multitasking though-- listening to Kuya's stories and taking photos at the same time, so I could share photos with you guys. Check this out.

Like what I have said above, it wasn't just a collection, for every animal displayed has a story and it broke my heart to learn that most of them died due to human neglect, waste and carelessness. Yes, we are, more often than not are clueless and careless about our environment. How can that affect other living things and our environment big time. These are the things we should be aware of. And not just that, we also need to do something. We can do our part to help save the environment with our own little ways. Just by changing our daily habits like properly throwing away our garbage, will do. We should know better and do what we ought to do before it's too late. Before they're gone forever. Before our time runs out.

Hope you like it guys. I've got more photos and stories to share with you. The rest of Day 2 activities are coming up. Had to make different post cause  the photos are just too many, couldn't squeeze them in just one post. See yah!

For more info and reservation check their Facebook page here .

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